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Why do I still miss my ex when I’m in a new relationship? –

Dear Sybersue Dating Relationship Coach

Do you try to get over your ex when you’re in another relationship, but secretly still miss them?

Getting involved too early after a breakup can be a big mistake because your heart isn’t ready to love again and you still hold on to the memories of your past partner. You may not have had a proper closure with your ex, and as your new relationship progresses, thoughts of them start popping up all over the place.

When your past continues to haunt your present situation, you won’t be emotionally receptive to your new partner.

They’ll eventually feel like they don’t have your undivided attention, which can lead to recurring questions, especially during intimate moments. Your new partner will sense your resistance to being fully in love with them.

It’s important to understand your attachment to your last relationship. That’s why it’s crucial to always take the time to process what happened when you and your ex broke up so you can get proper closure. Don’t let pride get in the way of achieving this goal.

What should you do if you can’t stop thinking about your ex?

Contact your ex and ask if you can meet them for coffee. If they feel uncomfortable seeing you, at least you can communicate via phone or text. Instead of sneaking behind your partner’s back, be honest and let them know that you’re having a hard time committing 100% to the relationship because you have something holding you back that you’re not handling properly.

While this isn’t an ideal situation for your partner to have to go through, it’s important to understand what’s keeping you stuck and why you’re unable to fully commit yourself to a new relationship. These things need to be addressed before your heart can be repaired and you can move forward on a new path.

It’s not your new partner’s job to work things out or take a back seat to any feelings you may still have for your ex. They may agree with the decision, or they may choose to leave, believing that you are emotionally unavailable for a relationship at this time. This is an opportunity you have to take, but at least you’re honest with them.

Sometimes, sitting down and having an honest conversation with your ex after you’ve been apart for some time can be a great way to gain clarity on why you’re no longer together. Sometimes our egos can get in the way, especially when our ex breaks up with us. This can do a lot of damage to your self-esteem. No one likes to be abandoned in a relationship, even if it’s not a good one.

There’s always a reason a relationship ends, but we don’t always see it at the time.

Talking to your ex can also confirm that you are completely over the relationship.

When a couple enters another relationship, it is essential to ensure that there is no unfinished business between you. If you think about your ex every day and miss them deeply, it’s a good idea to talk to them and see if their feelings are reciprocated.

Is it them you miss or the lifestyle you once shared? When a relationship ends, you have much more to lose than your partner. If you share custody, you will lose your home, some friendships, and time with your children.

This may not be the best way to handle things when you’re in a new situation, but your current partner should know where they stand before more time passes. If your heart is being pulled in a different direction, it wouldn’t be fair to put your new partner on hold while you work things out. They are invested in you at this stage and assume you feel the same way.

You may feel like you’re really over your ex, but you can’t emotionally connect with your new partner.

This shouldn’t be ignored, because it’s certainly not okay to bring someone else into your life when you have emotional baggage and aren’t ready for a relationship. Many times, your emotions take a hit during a breakup, and they need to learn how to trust again. If this continues to make you feel numb or stuck in platonic situations, you may have to end your current relationship. Love needs to be nurtured by both parties contributing to the partnership.

Take some time to identify what it is you want to move forward with. Jumping in quickly after a breakup doesn’t allow your heart or your mind to process what happened. Only time and honest self-assessment can do this. If you and your new partner have something special as a couple, you’ll find a way to build your partnership with newfound clarity.

Dear Sybersue Dating Relationship Coach

Private Dating Relationship Coaching in Sybersue – Please feel free to contact me @ and send me a message to schedule a video or audio appointment within 24 hours. Thank you!

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