Knowledge Dissemination

First Time At Spencer’s Buying A Toy


So, this is the first time I’ve ever bought a toy in person. I had a couple of friends with me so it wasn’t really that embarassing. But I DID have a question regarding something she said. So I bought a Dildo and she asked me what I clean it with because I doing with no-fragrance soap and water. She advised against soap and water and said it could ruin the toy and mold. So she upsold me some toy wipes for like 5$ and went on my way. When I opened the box, it said you could either clean with toy wipes or soap and water. Is it true that a toy like that could mold if you clean it with soap and water? I’ve personally never had that happen and was curious to know if I was a victim of upselling. Not a big deal if I was. I just want to know the truth. Please let me know! Thanks!

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