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20+ Tips for Cleaning Leather – Caring for Your BDSM Gear

20+ Tips for Cleaning Leather - Caring for Your BDSM Gear

Image credit: Robert Mapplethorpe

Leather – probably one of the most iconic BDSM materials.

Whether it is breeches, harnesses or sexy accessories, real Leather isn’t cheap. Especially if you plan on having custom pieces, which will eventually be considered as valuable as any family member.

The last thing you want is to open your closet and find a once beautiful animal hide that has cracked, dried out, and lost its shape.

let usLearn how to clean leather and maintain your favorite BDSM accessoriesso that they can be with you for years to come.

1. Real leather, fake leather and allergies

  • This guideline does not cover artificial substances. The fabric + plastic combo comes with its own set of cleaning rules (many of which are forgivable).
  • There is still one The important difference between treated leather and thinner genuine leather Animal leather, such as suede, also has different cleaning rules.
  • This may be rare, but Some people may be allergic to leather – although it’s more specific to any dyes or chemicals used to treat it. If you’re concerned or planning on spending a ton of money, check with the seller or manufacturer.

2. Understand leather

Remember, we can’t treat it like the plastic stuffed in our closet.

Think about how you take care of your skin.

it takes Oxygen, moisturizer, and don’t like to be in the sun for too long. After years of neglect, it can dry out, crack, and look really bad.

The same goes for your leather harness or bitch boots. And, since they are no longer attached to the animal that took care of them, you need to be their protector.

It is also porous.

This means that it will More difficult to disinfect After you are done with your bedroom/dungeon. Bodily fluids, mold, mildew, and other nasties can grow in tiny nooks and crannies if not handled properly.

3. How to clean and care for leather

20+ Tips for Cleaning Leather - Caring for Your BDSM Gear soap and water

The same rules apply to clothing and toys (such as whips, blindfolds, etc.)…


Warm water and mild soap are sufficient for daily care needs. The key is to avoid using any products with fragrance or harsh chemicals.

Also, avoid leaving any the remainsIf there is, wipe it off with a damp cloth and stop using that particular soap.

Some user suggestions Baby Shampoo Because it is gentle and leaves nothing behind.

notes: Do not use detergent.


Leather loves oxygen. And, in addition to the drying process, it will provide another layer of assistance to the disinfection process.

However, don’t want Lay it out in the sun, use a hair dryer, or throw it in the dryer. The heat can dry out the fabric and cause it to crack or lose its shape.

You just need to hang it up and let it air dry completely.


The gorgeous sheen that makes us salivate will come from Proper conditioning. There are several products available for this purpose.

20+ Tips for Cleaning Leather - Caring for Your BDSM Gear 20 Tips for Cleaning Leather Caring for Your BDSM

First, there is SADDLE SOAP.

This is one of the best options as it is designed to clean, nourish, and protect your leather. All you have to do is wipe the item with a clean, damp cloth, then use a second clean cloth to apply saddle soap – using small, circular motions (it cleans and helps remove impurities).

Second, it is mink oil.

The palmitoleic acid in mink oil is similar to human sebum, helping to condition and improve water resistance levels.

notes: Some users say you only need to care for the leather once or twice a year. This is more suitable for street wear than protecting the lining. BDSM gear will be washed after use Every Use, therefore requires more conditioning.

4. Cleaning and deep cleaning

How deep your leather cleaning needs to be will depend on how hard and how long you play.

Light use (like wearing it for a photo shoot) might just require a wipe down and some saddle soap.

For heavier items, you may need to wash with soap and water and then condition.

Always exercise caution (and caution).

5. Specific cleaning issues

Your fetish costume will have all sorts of “you and your partner” on it. Here’s how to deal with them…


This will be your biggest culprit. It can also cause itching and irritation if you allow it to build up. Soap and warm water will do the trick.


Oil-based lubricants are great for sex, but they can be a pain to clean, especially from leather. Spot cleaning Soap and water should help. I did see a tip for using chalk though – grind it into a powder and leave it on the grease overnight, then wash normally.

Mold and mildew

Use a 50/50 solution of rubbing alcohol. Dip the cloth into the solution, wring out any excess water, and wipe away the mold.


Take a piece of absorbent or vellum paper and use an iron on medium-low heat to gently remove any wax that is stuck to it. Repeat this to remove any excess wax (until the paper no longer absorbs wax).

notes: I would avoid playing with wax and wearing leather – mostly because it’s a hassle to clean and requires heat – leather doesn’t like heat. Or use leather items you don’t care too much about.


If you enjoy water sports, make sure to clean it immediately afterward. If left for a long time (even overnight), the acid in the urine can cause permanent damage to the material.


The same goes for playing with blood or accidental cuts. They should be cleaned immediately after playing because if the blood dries, the leather will become hard and develop an odor. It may also leave stains.


It’s probably a mixture of who knows what – clean thoroughly immediately afterwards to avoid stains and odors.

Vaginal discharge, squirting, or semen

Vaginal discharge and semen should be wiped off and then cleaned normally. Female ejaculation fluid should be treated similarly to urine – it is not urine, but has similar properties.

6. Sterilization

First, understand it is impossible Thoroughly disinfect the leather.

As I mentioned before, leather is porous and acts like a sponge – absorbing anything it comes in contact with.

notes: This is especially important when handling body fluids because STIs can survive in the material for months.

I’ve heard of using Rubbing alcohol and hydrogen peroxide solution before your regular care regimen. However, I have not tested this and it does not completely sterilize.

7. Play with others

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The porous nature of leather is something we cannot change.

What you can do is…

Play leather games with people you trust.

Alternatively, if you’re going to be playing with a lot of people (where dangerous bodily fluids could be present), don’t use your personal leather items on them. Instead, Use theirs.

Want to learn more about sex toy care? Check this out

Buzzy and Clean – 30+ Tips on How to Clean Your Sex Toys:

8. Storage of leather

  • Make sure to keep it in a cool, dry place. Remember, Leather doesn’t like heat or humidity.
  • Do not store leather in plastic bags – It needs to breathe
  • Leather clothing should be hung Sturdy hangers Keep the shape and let it breathe

9. Pay attention to details

Get into all nooks, crannies, seams, folds or hard-to-reach areas around metal fittings or decorations.

These areas are likely to experience the worst buildup and impact on your leather baby.

10. Other cleaning tips

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  • You can use baking soda and water to soak to remove odors (but don’t soak for too long)
  • Metal parts may rust. Look closely or apply several coats of clear nail polish – you will have to reapply when the polish wears off.
  • Surface rust can be removed using a chrome cleaner.
  • Make sure your partner does not have a nickel allergy (for metal parts like rivets or buckles)
  • Some people recommend using a scrub to apply conditioner and give it a full treatment
  • Keep your leather dust-free
  • Do not use harsh chemicals

Final Thoughts

No one wants to play with a stiff, bloody, urine-smelling piece of leather.

So, remember…

How you care for your BDSM clothing and toys reflects who you are as a BDSM partner.

If you’re the kind of person who pays attention to detail and takes great care of your wardrobe or toy box, you’ll probably give the same level of attention to your partner.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Additionally, if you want to learn more about security, check out the following:

Got any other maintenance tips to add? Or, which piece of curly leather is your favorite? Share it in the comments!

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