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When is the best time to have sex?

When is the best time to have sex?

1. Night is better

The so-called night usually refers to around 10 pm. For many people, this is the time to go to bed. People who share this point of view believe that sexual activities require more physical effort and that during this period to have sex, you can fall asleep immediately after finishing it, so that both parties can get enough rest and save enough energy for the next day.

When is the best time to have sex? When is the best time to have

At 10 p.m., women are most likely to have sexual fantasies

Experts from Harvard Medical School have discovered that the creative cells in women’s brains are most active around 10 pm. At this time, they are good at imagining, and most of the content of their fantasies is related to “sex” and “love”. So it is better for a man to go to bed before 10 pm and share his passion with her.

2. In the morning, around 6 o’clock, it’s better

People who share this view believe that after a night of rest, physical strength has been restored and they have better energy for sex. In addition, from a physiological point of view, the concentration of adrenaline hormones is highest when sexual desire is strongest. During this period, you can enter a state of sexual excitement in a short time. Although you cannot rest in time after sex and work and study immediately, the physical energy consumed by a punctual life is not large. Make love in the morning and judge whether it is suitable for you after sex without feeling tired or uncomfortable.

In the morning, your mind is empty and the sleep hormone, the pineal gland, no longer tires you. This is the best time to make love. You don’t need to complete the prelude step by step: eating, talking, wearing loose clothes. . Your lover is waiting for you to “taste” him.

Third, it is better to sleep for a few hours and then have sex after waking up.

People who share this view believe that the life of modern people is very fast. After studying and working 8 hours a day, most of them are very tired. In the evening, they want to enjoy a relaxing nightlife and have the necessary social exchanges. Usually, they sleep very late at night. In this case, they may be unable to satisfy both parties sexually, physically weak and mentally lazy. If you sleep and get the necessary rest for a while, your strength and energy will be restored and you will be able to sleep for a few hours after sex.

The above three statements each have their own angles and truths. It is also difficult to say which time period has absolute advantages and disadvantages, but when it comes to the habits of a considerable number of couples, the first statement is the most common. This is because the choice and initiative of sexual life lies in the hands of each couple. The timing of sexual life should be determined according to the work and study arrangements, the body, energy and emotions of both parties, and the habits and preferences of sexual life. For example, people with weak sexual function choose to compensate for their weakness early in the morning; those who work hard are more likely to maintain strong work energy before going to bed.

When is the best time to have sex? 1727254827 866 When is the best time to have

In short, there is no fixed time for sexual intercourse. As long as the husband and wife agree and like it, and it does not affect the other person’s work and study the next day, whatever time you choose is appropriate and there is no need to force it.

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