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What are the requirements to open an adult products store on Pinduoduo? How much does it cost?

What are the requirements to open an adult products store on Pinduoduo? How much does it cost?

With the opening up of society and the change of people’s ideas and concepts, the adult product market has gradually developed and developed. As a well-known e-commerce platform in China, Pinduoduo has gradually opened up its adult product category.However, if you want to open an adult products store on Pinduoduo, you need to meet certain entry requirements and a certain store opening cost. So today, I will take you to learn more.
What are the requirements to open an adult products store on Pinduoduo? How much does it cost?
1. What are the requirements for opening an adult products store on Pinduoduo?

First of all, let’s take a look at Pinduoduo’s entry requirements for adult products. For merchants who want to open adult product stores on Pinduoduo, they must meet the following qualifications and conditions:

1. Company Qualifications:Merchants must have a business license from Taiwan and France, and their business must include adult products or related products. This is the basic condition to ensure that the merchant is operating legally.

2. Relevant qualification certificatesDepending on the category of goods sold, traders may be required to provide relevant qualification certificates. For example, health licenses, quality inspection reports, etc. These supporting documents are important guarantees to ensure the quality and safety of products.

3. Age conditionsMerchants must be over 18 years old, a basic requirement provided by law to sell adult products.

4. Comply with platform regulationsMerchants must comply with the relevant regulations of the Pinduoduo platform regarding the adult product category, including but not limited to prohibiting the sale of contraband and not publishing vulgar information, etc. This is a necessary condition to ensure the healthy and orderly operation of the platform.

In addition to the above entry conditions, traders also need to pay attention to some details. For example, the store name, store logo, store details and other information must be filled in and submitted to the platform for review during the operation process, merchants must comply with the platform regulations, otherwise the deposit may be deducted or the store may be deducted; be closed.
What are the requirements to open an adult products store on Pinduoduo? How much does it cost?
2. How much does it cost to open an adult products store on Pinduoduo?

Next, let’s see how much it costs to open a Pinduoduo adult products store. The fees you need to pay to open a store on Pinduoduo mainly include the following aspects:

1. Store depositMerchants must pay a certain deposit when registering a store to secure their credit and fulfill their obligations. The specific amount of the deposit varies depending on the type of store and the category of main business. Generally speaking, the deposit for individual stores is lower, while the deposit for corporate stores is relatively higher.

2. Platform Service FeesMerchants selling products on the Pinduoduo platform need to pay certain platform service fees. These fees are generally calculated based on the merchant’s sales, and the specific rates will also be adjusted according to the platform’s policies.

3. Advertising costsOn the Pinduoduo platform, advertising is an important way to increase store visibility and sales. Merchants can choose to place ads according to their own needs and pay corresponding fees based on the effectiveness of the ads.

Adding up all the above expenses, the total investment cost for opening a Pinduoduo adult products store is about 5,000 yuan.

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What are the requirements to open an adult products store on Pinduoduo? How much does it cost?

What are the requirements to open an adult products store on Pinduoduo? How much does it cost?

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