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Weird sexual practices around the world

Weird sexual behavior

When it comes to weird sexual behaviors, whether or not they’re weird is just a matter of personal preference or cultural norms. Here are some behaviors from around the world that might make you laugh or feel awkward.

First time in Colombia

This may have been a common practice in the past, but buying a man’s first sex still happens today. Fathers take their sons to prostitutes for their first sexual encounter. As someone who is dating a man there, this is totally true.

Weird Sex – Donkey Stuff

If you thought finding a prostitute was easy, people on a small farm in Colombia have found a way to get around the “no sex before marriage” rule.

Yes, sex with farm animals – specifically donkeys. Locals also believe that banking the animals will make them more powerful during intercourse and their penises will be larger than normal. This gives a whole new meaning to the concept of “donkey show”.

“Bride Robbery”

This may sound scary at first glance, but among the Wodaabe tribe, it is the women who control this activity.

Every year, the men put on makeup and costumes. They perform the “togu” dance to woo potential mates – married or unmarried. If married women like what they see, they can elope with the new man, and the tribe must recognize the union.

This probably makes all husbands on their toes to keep their women happy.

Weird Sexual Behavior – Nile Yanking

In ancient Egypt, everyone believed that Atum, the god of creation, created the universe with his semen – yes, he pulled the monkey and life was born.

For them, the Nile was a direct link or representation of this event, and it was therefore considered the men’s duty to fill the river with water to appease Atum and ensure an adequate supply, thus avoiding drought.

Irish clothing

Off the coast of Ireland there is a small island called Innisbeg, where Catholic law was once carried to its extreme.

In the 1960s, the church and locals took it to the extreme that sex was only for procreation and neither party should enjoy it. They didn’t even allow French kissing or sensual touching, or even talking about it! On top of that, they didn’t teach women about menstruation or menopause.

Even clothes cannot be taken off – underwear is removed privately under the covers only when absolutely necessary. Sex is arranged by the parents. Husbands and wives must keep most of their clothes on and must be finished as quickly as possible.

It’s not surprising that there’s a lot of accidental anal sex going on because no one knows what they’re doing.

Lucky Sex

Weird sexual behavior

In Indonesia, couples and singles hike up Gungung Kemukus during the Pon festival.

The whole point of the festival is to have sex with strangers to get good luck for the rest of the year. But that’s not all. They have to have sex with the same person during all 7 celebrations to get the good luck.

Hawaiian gonads

This event occurred prior to contact with Hawaii.

The people there regarded the genitals as a sacred part of the body and a great ornament. Their worship of the genitals was so deep that some places on the island still have penises carved into stones – a totem to enhance fertility.

Men even gave their penises their own names and sang and chanted the name in public.


Understandably, most cultures frown upon polyandry. In the Himalayas, however, polyandry is viewed more as a practical way of life. Sure, this makes the concept of “one in a million” seem less special, but the idea behind this lifestyle evolved because the Himalayans had to adapt to their environment.

Land is scarce in this mountain range, so space for many families is very limited. Therefore, with limited resources, it is more reasonable for a woman to have multiple husbands than the other way around.

So how exactly do these relationships work?

In one word: scheduling. Needs had to be met, and every family carefully scheduled its schedule, which husband did which job, who took turns sleeping with their wives. A bit like chore roulette, but with some base instincts thrown in.

Weird Sexual Behavior – Young People Learn from Old People

There is an island in the South Pacific called Mangaia, which is famous because 13-year-old boys on the island have sex with older women, who teach the boys techniques to please their partners.

Core Apple

Weird sexual behavior

In rural Austria, young ladies perform a traditional dance. The gist of the dance? They put apple slices in their armpits. Afterwards, they go to the guy they like and offer him a slice of apple – and if the guy likes her back, he has to eat it.

This shows that they love to get sexual pleasure from any part of her body.

Cambodia is famous for many things, including its “love huts”.

Adult girls would go there and change partners until they found someone they liked. This person was considered her soul mate for life. What’s more, this family was actually the one who built the hut!

Sacred love and magic

In Haiti, sex is part of religious beliefs and people believe that sex will please the goddess of love and bring peace and love to their married life.

Apart from this, people also practice strange black magic as a spiritual belief. All men and women bathe naked together under the waterfall, which also includes erotic dancing.

Provisional license

Although Muslims have some strict laws regarding sexual intercourse and relationships between men and women.

However, in Iran, young couples can apply for a “temporary marriage.” They can pay for a short ceremony that includes a written contract stating when they will be married. Once that is done, they can live as a couple and do whatever they want.

Weird Sexual Behavior – “Falling” in Love

The Guajiro tribe of Colombia performs ritual dances in which people dance. Consider falling in love, which is literally what the phrase means. If a woman can make a man intoxicated, then they must have sex.

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