Adult Topic Blogs

Wearable Oral Sex Undies Can Provide Protection, Comfort,

Wearable Oral Sex Undies Can Provide Protection, Comfort,

 **Note: This post is sponsored by Lorals

In recent years, oral sex has become one of the most common sexual behaviors that people engage in. In fact, aside from intercourse, oral sex is the next most frequent partnered sexual activity.

The vast majority of American adults (about 83%) say they’ve had oral sex at least once before and, further, most say they’ve done it in the past year. Yet despite how common this behavior is, relatively few people take any precautions when they do it.

This is important to point out because several STIs have the potential to be transmitted through oral-genital activity, including chlamydia, gonorrhea, herpes, and HPV. Using barriers such as condoms and dental dams is perhaps the most effective way to reduce infection risk, but people rarely use barriers during oral activities.

Studies suggest that only about 1 in 5 people have used a condom for fellatio, while even fewer (just 1 in 10) say they have used a dental dam for cunnilingus.

Dental dams in particular are rarely used, in part, because they’re kind of cumbersome in that they generally require two hands to keep them in place. They require a pretty coordinated effort. But now there’s a solution.

Enter wearable safer-sex panties from Lorals.

Lorals for Protection are the first FDA-cleared underwear for STI protection during oral sex. Made from ultra-thin latex, these undies are designed to block transmission of body fluids and STIs while still allowing you to feel everything through them.

They can be used for both cunnilingus and anilingus (rimming). By virtue of being wearable, they provide an easier-to-use solution than dental dams. Plus, they’ll stay in place so that you don’t have to worry about accidental slippage.

They also have the added benefit of freeing up your hands so that they can go wherever you want (on your body or your partner’s), thereby increasing opportunities for pleasure and allowing easier sexual position changes.

Lorals for Protection are vanilla scented and come in two styles, depending on the amount of coverage desired: “shortie” (more coverage) and “bikini” (less coverage).

With rates of several STDs on the rise, Lorals can help to put your mind at ease during sex so that you can relax and more fully be in the moment, while also gaining a protective benefit.

STI protection isn’t the only reason to wear Lorals, though. There are also Lorals for Comfort for any other time you might not want skin-to-skin contact but still want oral, such as if you’re on your period, experiencing clitoral or vulva sensitivity, or are feeling shy or too exposed during oral. Also, if you’re into latex fashion and want to explore new sensations through kink or BDSM, Lorals for Pleasure can be a fun way to dip your toes in the water.

Take control of your sexual health and pleasure with Lorals. Visit to learn more and be sure to use my exclusive discount code JUSTIN10 to save 10% off your purchase.

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Image Credits: Lorals

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