All your daily inspiration can be found in Sex and Porn Addiction Treatment and Recovery. Used here with permission of the author. Click on the book cover image to purchase the book on Amazon.
The power in numbers is undeniable.
Humanity should work together, not alone. As evidence, think back to prehistoric times, when people lived in tribes. If we go hunting, we will be in a pack; if not, we are likely to be eaten. Hunting trips can take a long time, so other members of the tribe stay in the cave, tanning hides to keep the group warm, gathering nuts and berries to eat, gathering sticks to make fires, and doing some basic farming. This communal life has been the standard of survival for thousands of years. Because of this, our brains evolved in a way that encourages human connection, and now we are hardwired to depend on others. Yet somehow, in modern society, our inherent need for connection has been ignored. This is despite countless studies telling us that people who are “separate” from others rather than “part of them” do worse in life than those who feel emotionally connected.
today’s task
Ask yourself, “Who’s in my bag?” If you don’t have a coffee bag, ask another person in recovery to drink coffee with you.