Some people get into arguments easily. and their partners.
It is important to always be loving before you decide to argue with your partner. Make sure your reasons for listening to what you perceive as negative comments out of defensiveness are clear and valid. Do you react quickly before you really hear what the other person is saying?
If this becomes an ongoing practice in your relationship, it is always a good idea to have your partner repeat back what they heard you say. This practice can defuse most arguments because it gives you a chance to express your message again, which can give your partner a clearer understanding of the situation.
Taking a moment to pause and think about what you want to say is a diplomatic way to help you avoid overreacting.
Be careful not to use an accusatory tone or use the word repeatedly. you! Change the wording to: “I feel like I’m not always heard and I want to improve our communication as a couple.” This way, you’re not blaming your partner, but rather trying to find a collective way to repair the conflict that’s occurring. You take responsibility for the role you played in any disagreement that occurred.
It’s not always easy to step back and take some time to evaluate how to respond to contentious issues as a couple. It definitely takes practice.
It can also be very helpful to express your opinion when you are not angry at the time. Bringing up issues that are going on while you are out for a walk or on a date is a better approach because you won’t be provoked in the heat of an argument.
It is important to remember that there are always two sides and two opinions on any issue in a relationship.
Compromise is an important factor in maintaining a long-term relationship. This includes being more patient, being able to listen to what the other person has to say, and being willing to accept constructive feedback instead of being defensive.
Changing communication styles is an ongoing process and takes time to develop reciprocity skills in relationships.
Not everyone will open up to you 24/7, and your partner may be better at communicating their concerns to you. You may be more of an introvert and have a hard time expressing your opinions. If this is the case in your relationship, write down your thoughts and share them with your partner when they can read them privately. This also gives them time to address your concerns without your direct feedback.
Taking the time to record what is said to each other in a partnership is crucial!
If you don’t want to discuss something, don’t just walk out of the room. Shutting your partner out and ignoring the issue will only increase the tension between you. Any conflict needs to be resolved and discussed in order for the relationship to move in a healthy direction.
As a couple, it is important to find a way to repair the relationship together. If you need a moment, tell your partner, I need a moment to gather my thoughts. That way, they know you are thinking about the issue at hand and trying to find the right way to communicate with them, rather than overreacting with an argument.
Many relationship challenges recur because couples do not understand the importance of ongoing collaboration.
Shrugging your shoulders and ignoring your partner’s feelings won’t solve the problem. When you take the time to listen to your partner and vice versa, you’ll be able to handle the next issue more wisely. We all want to be validated, and we all want to be heard in our relationships.
The impact of words on relationship dynamics can be very powerful. Creating harmony and building a stronger relationship should always be a couple’s priority. Watch the video below to learn more about today’s topic.
Thanks, Sybersue xo

Sybersue offers private dating relationship coaching – please feel free to contact me at and send me a message there to schedule a video or audio date within 24 hours. Thank you!
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