Knowledge Dissemination

The Problem with Playboy Pleasure Bullet


Hi everyone! I purchased the Playboy Pleasure Bullet in April of this year. It’s the first sex toy I’ve ever bought, and I’ve been very happy with it so far. Recently, I tried using it, and it would only vibrate for up to 30 seconds before it died; I could tell when it was dying when the vibrations got smaller and smaller and then stopped. After that, it wouldn’t last 5 seconds or cycle through the vibration patterns. I tried charging it to 100%, but that didn’t help; the vibrations would fluctuate and fade away even when fully charged. I tried looking this up elsewhere, but most of the help I could find was for battery-powered bullets, while this one charges through a port. I also can’t clean the motor because there’s nothing to disassemble; it’s a solid silicone body. Has anyone else experienced this problem with this product? Do you think this can be fixed? Or should I *bite the bullet* and buy a better product? (Bad joke, sorry. Haha) Thanks to everyone who reads and/or leaves some insight 🙂

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