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The position is more important to her.

Read a book of 10,000 sex positions

There are many different positions you can use during intercourse. Most of them will allow you to orgasm, but not your wife.

To orgasm, all she needs is the glans rubbing against her vagina. But she needs clitoral stimulation, and only a few positions can satisfy that. Some women orgasm through G-spot stimulation, but again, not all positions can satisfy that.

Read a book of 10,000 sex positions

Even if intercourse isn’t how she crosses the finish line, position is important for her. Her genitals are more fragile and more susceptible to injury than your penis. The wrong position could leave her sore the next day, increase her chances of a yeast infection, or lead to a urinary tract infection.

All of this means that your wife should have veto power over positions. Beyond that, exercising lady’s choice is a loving idea.

Image credit: © FotoAndalucia |
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