Knowledge Dissemination

The Maxtasy Auto Stroker is a waste of money.


To start out as a baseline I’ve never owned anything past a sleeve. I’ve owned about 4 or 5 through my life and pretty consistently chose my hand over them even if I really liked them. A few days ago I decided at a toy store that hell with it, I’ll blow a couple hundred bucks and test out something automatic as I’ve heard pretty good reviews of them.

Well my choice was between Zolo and Maxtasy brands. After reading reviews on zolo I was pretty well convinced I was gonna go with it (also because I couldn’t find any reviews on Maxtasy) until I realized you could buy a strapon attachment that held the Maxtasy toy onto you. Having a partner that enjoys making me buck like a bronco prom pleasure her eyes lit up and that became the fore runner. So we take it to the counter and I ask the woman working if she’s heard reviews she swore that the toy was a godsend for men (at a two hundred dollar price point I’d hope so!)

I bring the toy home put it on charge and within a few hours it’s ready to rock. My partner being all excited got to work getting me hard and ready for the toy we turn it on, put it on, andddddd it feels like nothing is happening. By the time we pushed it deep enough for me to start to think I’m feeling anything the toy is bottomed out and the motor won’t run unless I pull back out. I get that I’ve never had a bougie masterbater before but the price point is ridiculous for the pleasure recieved. For the record I’m not enormous or even big, at best I’m average in size. The sleeve is no more than 2 1/2 to 3 inches. Given the chance I’d return it in a heartbeat without a question but given the nature of sextoys I can’t.

TLDR; Maxtasy autostroker is absolutely garbage, it gives no pleasure and isn’t worth more than the parts it costs to make.

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