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The Link Between Your Diet and Your Sex Life | Sex

The Link Between Your Diet and Your Sex Life | Sex

Most of us know that eating well makes us feel good. Healthy eating makes for a healthy body, right? But despite all the attention we pay to optimal nutrition, we tend not to think too much about how our food choices affect our sexual health, our sexual desire, and our overall sexual pleasure.

But since sexual health cannot simply be separated from physical health, it is hardly surprising that Some foods can make you a real goddess in the bag, while other foods can make you feel like a failure.

The Link Between Your Diet and Your Sex Life | Sex The Link Between Your Diet and Your Sex Life

If you’re looking to turn up the heat in your boudoir, diet can definitely play a role, as can an active lifestyle and taking care of your mental health needs (nothing exists in a vacuum, after all).

But today, we’re here to improve your sex life by harnessing the power of food. Consider the following tips when eating to get turned on.

Eat to Keep Your Hormones Happy

Maintaining hormonal balance can contribute to a more stable and satisfying sex life. When our hormones are out of balance, it can impact our mood and even decrease our sex drive. Hormones are meant to work together in harmony, so when one is out of balance, the others are usually affected. For example, when our hormones are out of balance, they can be affected as well. stress hormones peak, it can affect our thyroid gland, our digestive system and our sex hormonesto name a few. This, my friends, applies to lovers of all sexes.

The good news: Changes in your diet and lifestyle can help provide hormonal support.

Lawyers They contain vitamin E and can help improve the production of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone.

– Will pass organic food can help reduce the amount of pesticides you are exposed to, which can have negative impacts on sexual health and the reproductive system.

– A daily dose of cruciferous vegetables like Chinese cabbage, broccoli or kale is an integral part of hormonal detoxification and general balance.

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– Eat good fats like olive and flaxseed oil, and raw nuts or seeds build hormones while reduce inflammation through the body.

– Eat a quality proteins at every meal, keeps you fuller longer and balance your blood sugarQuality proteins include eggs, yogurt, meat, poultry, and fish. Always opt for hormone-free meat by choosing organic, grass-fed options.

Eating to Stay Aroused…or to Regain Arousal

Foods that are supposed to boost libido have always had a certain appeal throughout history. While there is some debate over their effectiveness, many foods that are said to be natural aphrodisiacs come with their own set of benefits.

Oysters are probably the most well-known aphrodisiacs in the world. This may be because they are rich in vitamin B12 and zinc, a mineral that our bodies need for their daily vital functions. Zinc also helps to increase enduranceregulate testosterone levels and improve sperm quality.

In addition to being a good source of magnesium and iron, basil provides manganese, vitamin C and folic acid, all nutrients linked to sexual health and fertilityThis delicious cleansing herb can promote better cardiovascular health, improve blood circulation, and increase your desire and ability to perform sexually.

Dark chocolate is much more than just a dessert. A great source of serotonin and phenylethylamine (AKA love hormones) In addition to caffeine, dark chocolate acts as a stimulant that improves blood circulation and invigorates libido.

Garlic contains allicin, a compound known to increase blood flow to the sexual organs, hence its reputation as a very powerful aphrodisiac. But you have to take capsules or eat garlic daily for about a month to enjoy these benefits. eat raw garlicbut just make sure your lover does too, so you can share the flavor together, right?

Eat to boost your endurance

Stamina can mean a lot of things, but when it comes to sex, it often refers to how long you can last in bed. If you’re not happy with how quickly you (or your partner) get down to business, there are a number of foods you can try to increase your stamina and improve your overall sexual performance.

Capsaicin is found in most hot peppers, as well as ginger root. It helps to increase enduranceas well as speeding up recovery, you know, so you’re ready to go again in no time.

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As one of the body’s most essential electrolytes, potassium Exercise hydrates your muscles and cells and boosts your metabolism, all of which are important if you want to maintain your endurance. Opt for bananas, cantaloupe, potatoes, tomatoes, and carrots, to name a few.

While the simple carbs in pasta and bread can really kill your stamina (food coma, anyone?), complex carbohydrates Do the opposite and boost your sexy body with a dose of lasting energy. Think oatmeal, sweet potatoes, brown rice, quinoa, barley, bulgur and dried beans.

Bonus tip: Drink less alcohol

While drinking alcohol can absolutely lower your inhibitions and possibly even increase your likelihood of getting erections, it can also cause erectile dysfunction (those with partners with penises, take note). Not to mention, alcohol dehydrates your body, and your vagina is unfortunately no exception. That means less lubrication. Alcohol is also a central nervous system depressant, so it can also make your nerve endings less sensitive to touch. Moral of the story: When you’re trying to improve your sex life, try not to rely on alcohol.

Bottom line: Paying attention to your health can go a long way in countering the harmful effects of the world as we know it. Always remember that good nutrition leads to good health and a fulfilling sex life, which in turn leads to better health…and even more sex. It’s a positive feedback loop, so have a second helping! <3

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