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The huge cemetery found near the Cerberus Tomb – History

The huge cemetery found near the Cerberus Tomb - History

Diverse tombs, funeral fences and inscriptions have been found in Giugliano’s enormous cemetery, including funerals dedicated to gladiators, found in a vast cemetery in Giugliano, the suburb of Naples, a unique range of great tombs and structures was discovered in 2023. From late Republicans to high-level imperial periods.

The huge cemetery found near the Cerberus Tomb - History Tombe a echytrismosThe ancient Roman city of Liternum was founded in 194 BC and is located in the older settlement of Osco-Umbrian in italics. This is a colony of 300 veterans of the Second Anonymous War. The first-century Stoke philosopher Seneca wrote that Scipio Africanus had a villa on Liternum, built of stone, with two towers at both ends like a military fortress. He retired to the southern fortress in 194 BC and died nine years later.

The huge cemetery found near the Cerberus Tomb - History InumatoThe newly discovered cemeteries were used from the late 1st century BC to the 3rd century AD and contained various Roman funerals. It covers over 1,600 square feet and is only a short distance from the city’s forum and amphitheater. Its location is adding basic information about the perimeter of the colonial city and the route that must be run through the buried or adjacent ancient Domitiana.

The huge cemetery found near the Cerberus Tomb - History MausoleoTwo famous funeral fences have been excavated. They are made of masonry covered with white plaster and were later painted red in red. The two walls are separated by a space with a deep well and are considered for cult purposes. One of the shells has a four-cornered mausoleum in the center. It is made of Opus Enticulatum (a diamond-shaped block from Tufa Stone) and the wall cop is applied to the plaster on the sides, with a grey grey on the sides.

The huge cemetery found near the Cerberus Tomb - History LucernaArchaeologists have discovered 20 different burials around the wall. There are burials of vinegar (Amphora), tiled fixed tombs with masonry covers and kabupina-style tombs, i.e., covered with pottery tegulae (roof bricks), tilted against each other, forming gable roofs. Moderate grave items, including coins, lamps and small pottery, were found during the burial.

cist tomb and tegula lining. Photos are provided by supervisors of the metropolitan area of ​​Naples. Plastered and painted walls. Photos are provided by supervisors of the metropolitan area of ​​Naples. Cappuccina Tomb. Photos are provided by supervisors of the metropolitan area of ​​Naples.

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