Adult Topic Blogs

The Hard Truth: Your Wife’s “No” Isn’t the Reason You Use Porn

The Hard Truth: Your Wife’s “No” Isn’t the Reason You Use Porn

A common excuse for using pornography is “I do this because my wife refuses sex“.or”refuse to do oral” or”Can’t have sex with the light on“.

If you watched porn before getting married, this excuse doesn’t hold up. Your wife’s sexual reluctance may be a trigger, but not the cause.

Another thing I hear porn users say about their wives is that she overreacts to his porn.

I want to address this issue without discussing the fact that it is sin. If my wife thinks drinking is wrong and I don’t, I won’t drink. It’s about being a decent human being. Even if I disagree with her views, respect her beliefs. I’m not suggesting that we do this for every little thing, but when something is seriously offensive or considered a sin, I think the doctrine of weak brothers requires us to give it up.

If your wife hates you for using porn and you continue to do so, you are putting porn ahead of her. There is no other way to parse it because it’s a choice you made.

I will discuss this again next week. Be sure to pray.

Image source: © Piotr Marcinski |
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