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The different methods of contraception: 4 alternatives to the pill

The different methods of contraception: 4 alternatives to the pill

FFor me, encouraging a pro-choice spirit in all matters related to a woman’s body, sexuality and life choices is deeply necessary for a healthy world.

In the 1960s, “the pill” was a hard-fought, hard-won battle for women’s sexual freedom that completely revolutionized the world as we know it. You know, women’s autonomy; gender roles; sexual freedom for women (and men, too, in a different way); and many other incredible shifts in consciousness. For a fascinating and concise overview of birth control methods through the ages, check this out.

We should all take a moment of silence to honor the work of previous generations and all the struggles that accompanied that work, both personal and political.

The different methods of contraception: 4 alternatives to the pill The different methods of contraception 4 alternatives to the pill

Let us stop for a moment and breathe, recognizing that the staff East politics, and it always has been. Which makes the reverse just as true. Food for thought.

But let’s get back to this pro-choice spirit.

The right to the pill and to right to abortion are choices that should be available to each women. Note: Many women still do not have access to these choices.

And yet, in addition to this, there are now many additional choices, many of which far less harmful to the body system than hormonal contraceptives. If the pill really works for you, you should use it, don’t hesitate. Every woman is different, just like every smoker’s body. But I firmly believe in it. each This option should be considered when it comes to a woman’s well-being and peace of mind.

Isn’t the pill the most effective and safest option for most women?

Birth control pills are synthetic These hormones override the normal hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian hormone axis to stop ovulation. First approved in the United States in 1960, they are now used by more than 100 million women worldwide, including 12 million in the United States alone. If you’ve ever looked at the list of side effects for these pills, you might be surprised at how casually doctors prescribe them. Kind of like candy. But in case you didn’t know, artificial hormonal changes can easily mess with your system.

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Side effects of the pill can range from mild discomfort… to downright debilitating.

Symptoms such as weight gain, breast swelling and tenderness, bloating, mood swings, severe PMS, headaches and loss of libido Side effects can be experienced within days or months of starting the pill. Even if you don’t react right away, long-term use can put you at high risk for infertility, liver cancer, several reproductive cancers, stroke, blood clots, high blood pressure, and depression. To name a few, BB. To name a few.

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Want more? If you have a known health condition, the pill can mask symptoms, which can lead to serious illness. And hormonal birth control deprives the body of important nutrients like vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, folate, vitamin C, magnesium, and zinc.

The belief that birth control pills are safe comes from the pharmaceutical industry, as it does with many other medications.

I believe that any discussion about “natural contraception” is really a discussion about better understanding our own bodies and what they do. No judgement if the pill gives you what you need, because it’s empowering. But… if you want to make the change, know that you don’t do it need the pillThere are effective alternatives to support your fertility.

4 different methods of contraception (without hormones)

1. Knowledge of fertility

Fertility Awareness Method, also known as FAM, involves carefully tracking your cycle to avoid unprotected sex during ovulation. By recording different changes in your body, such as basal body temperature and/or changes in cervical mucus, you can know when ovulation is occurring in your body.

This method should not be confused with the infamous rhythm method, which is unreliable because it assumes that all women have a regular 28-day cycle.

With the FAM method, you record and observe for several months before using it as a contraceptive. Once your cyclical signs are clear, you can safely abstain from unprotected sex for 7 days before and 2 days after ovulation. Critics aside, studies show that when used correctly, the FAM method is over 95% effective. I love this method because it’s more than just birth control—it’s self-awareness. Start by learning more about this method. A must-read book to help you really take action is Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler.

2. Condoms

Condoms are a great hormone-free barrier method and are one of the few methods of birth control that do not necessarily have to be used by women.

They have a 95-98% effectiveness rate when used correctly and are more effective than female condoms. They have no side effects unless you are allergic to latex, in which case there are non-latex options. They are affordable. As a barrier method, they also protect you from STIs. They are very accessible. They may not always be a preferred option, but most of the time, they really are the answer you are looking for.

3. Non-hormonal IUD

Intrauterine devices are small, T-shaped rods with a string attached. The IUD is placed inside the uterus and prevents pregnancy by making it extremely difficult for sperm to fertilize an egg and by changing the lining of the uterus so that it is less conducive to the growth of an embryo.The different methods of contraception: 4 alternatives to the pill 1723530212 920 The different methods of contraception 4 alternatives to the pill

It is one of the most effective forms of reversible contraception (99.8%), it works immediately, fertility returns quickly after removal, it does not contain hormones, does not interact with medications and can last more than 5 years. Possible disadvantages include: heavier or longer periods periods; more severe menstrual cramps; irregular periods; bleeding; and other less common side effects like infections or nausea.

4. Men mobilize

While the “male pill” probably isn’t an option due to men not wanting to endure the hormonal storm that women have endured for all these decades (hello gender bias in the medical zeitgeist!), there are other ways a man can do his part: For starters, he can put on that condom before you even have to dream of asking him to.

The different methods of contraception: 4 alternatives to the pill The different methods of contraception 4 alternatives to the pill

If he’s older and neither of you want kids, there’s always a vasectomy. It’s a much less intrusive (and more likely reversible) procedure than tubal ligation in women. Vasectomies have a failure rate of less than 1%. But, like any human attempt to stop our biologically programmed reproductive flow, there are risks, including increased risk of prostate cancer.


Personally, I’m all for condoms combined with the Fertility Awareness Method. Low risk, no side effects, work involved, but ultimately rewarding. What will your personalized (and politicized) birth control plan be?

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