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Teaching Guide for Student Teaching Methods

Teaching Guide for Student Teaching Methods

Beatriz Luque, Dimas Yepez, Yolanda Pérez, Claudia Jaimes and Diana Nivia,
Venezuela, Ministry of Public Power for University Education, 2015

The document occurred and was published in the Venezuelan National Initiative with the aim of considering its characteristics, potential, culture and language, teaching methods suitable for college students (deaf or hearing loss) in order to contribute to equal rights and equal rights to promote this student population.

Promotion Conference

In Venezuela, it is possible to observe entry of deaf and mute people into university educational institutions (IEUs) over the past decade. This growth was proposed by the Ministry of Education’s bilingual education for cycling, which proposed integrated care in the 1985 proposal for integrated care, in which the Venezuelan Language (LSV) was regarded as the first language for these people and Spanish. This concept defends the irreplaceable role of LSV in its overall development and accessed curriculum (Ministry of Education, 1985). This fact allows them to comply with the school prosecution necessary for learning in the university education subsystem.

Professors who accept this number of students claim to need to support appropriate knowledge so that they can meet their educational needs. To provide this support, this guide was created, constructed in the form of six parts: (a) education for the deaf as the right; (b) conceptualization and representation of hearing loss and deaf; (c) symbolic language as the natural language of the deaf; (d) Venezuelan language as the interpreter of cultural language mediators in the context of university, (e) the teaching orientation of the attention of deaf and hearing abuse students in colleges and (f) (f) the short life story of the deaf and a silent person as a college student.

To continue reading, click this link and download the full document in the PDF

The document appeared in 2015 under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Technology, University of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. It is published under the CC-DC-BA 3.0 license

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