I mean, yeah, if you're the kind of rich guy who owns a super fancy stable, why not take a blonde in trouble to the stable and have her whipped?This littl...
How do you know the woman being punished is a real lady? Because even though she was handcuffed to a pillar and whipped, she still wore high heels!from Pu...
"Whipping the Nun" sounds like it should be some kind of sexual euphemism, but in this case, it's literal. An Italian auction site that the painting is being s...
Do you know what a "bitchsuit" is, dear readers? The term has never appeared on Spanking Blog before, perhaps because I don't like it very much. Most of us ol...
Oops, did I really find more whipping Nazis? Sadly, I did. They used to be everywhere in men's magazines! These are from the February 1970 issue. Newcomers ...
I very much do not want or intend this spanking blog to become “all Nazis, all the time” but I do rather love hilariously over-the-top vintage pulp magazine...
Another Nazi whip interrogation, as imagined by 1970s pulp magazine illustrators:This is from the February 1973 issue of Man’s Book magazine.
See Also:...
Always wear your safety glasses when you man is about to whip your ass with a gas-station sausage stick:Isn’t it nice how Pale’s man takes such good care ...