Tag Archives: Satisfyer
Exclusive interview with Kerrie McKinnon: The secrets of Satisfyer
Satisfyer Insider: An Interview with Kerrie McKinnon
In this exclusive interview with Kerrie Mckinnon, we take an in-depth look at the innovative products fr...
Satisfyer Pro 2 3rd Generation: Let your imagination run wild!
Satisfyer Pro 2 – The Next Generation
Satisfier is one of those brands that can’t be ignored, and for good reason. The Satisfyer Pro 2 Generation 3 is their ...
Satisfyer Startup Delay
Hey guys, do you know a way to delay the start of the Satisfyer connected via the App? The goal is to delay the start by about an hour, when we are not at h...
Satisfyer Partner Whale Couple Vibrator
Take sex time with your lover to the next level of stimulation
Couples vibrators have the ability to completely change your sexual escapades...
Is the Satisfyer Pro 2 Gen. 3 better than the Pro 1(+)?
Hi everyone, I'd like to hear what you guys think about this, maybe you can help me out. I'm single and like to use suction cup toys to get some action. For...
Next generation clitoral stimulator Satisfyer Pro 2
Lay back and enjoy the ultimate stimulation
Whether on wet or dry terrain, the next-generation Satisfyer Pro 2 clitoral stimulator will deli...
satisfyer pro 2-is the second generation broken?
I received my Satisfier in January and it has been working great but now it won't turn on, even after fully charging it. It will stop flashing and just show...
Was the Satisfyer our first toy?
Hi. My (male) girlfriend (female, 20s) told me a while ago that she would love to add toys to our sex life, and so would I (neither of us have used them bef...
Try Satisfyer Pro 2
I've been trying to find a good vibrator that will do the job. Most of the ones I own aren't intense enough or break before I get a chance to do the job :( ...