Bunnik, a village in Utrecht, the Netherlands, found a HO accumulation of 404 Rome and British gold coins. The latest coin was hit at 46-47 AD. It was in goo...
A special deposit was unearthed near Holztum in northern Luxembourg, containing 141 Roman gold coins dating back to the late 4th century. These coins were go...
1,368 Roman and Iron Age silver coins dating to the reign of Nero have been discovered in Worcestershire, western England. Known as the Worcestershire Conque...
A large number of ceramic coins made in Japan during the last month of World War II have been discovered in a warehouse in Kyoto. The count is still ongoing,...
A Norman Conquest-era hoard of 2,584 silver pennies discovered in Down Dale, Somerset, has been acquired for the country by the not-for-profit South West Her...
An imitation of late Anglo-Saxon Roman gold solidus discovered in Norfolk last year has been declared a treasure. This is a rough copy of a solidus cast by E...
Archaeologists have discovered a jar of Persian gold coins that may date to the 5th century B.C. in the ancient city-state of Notion in western Turkey. The c...