Adult Topic Blogs

Step 10: Spot check version

Step 10: Spot check version

All your daily inspiration can be found in Sex and Porn Addiction Treatment and Recovery. Used here with permission of the author.

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.

Step 10 is usually done at the end of each day as needed. A version that can be spot checked as needed is very useful. This tenth step recognizes that if we feel uneasy or upset, something is wrong with us or the situation around us, and it’s best to address the problem immediately before things escalate. If we are angry at our boss, co-worker, or client at work, we can quickly do step ten and stop, look at the situation, and note our role in it. Once we have a better understanding of what is going on and our role in it, we can more easily deal with it in an appropriate manner. When we pause and quickly run through our Step 10 checklist before taking action, we can often prevent regrettable behavior that later requires formal correction. In this way (and many other ways), Step 10 makes our lives less cumbersome and significantly more peaceful.

today’s task
Consider the short- and long-term benefits of spot-checking your inventory in Step 10.

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