Knowledge Dissemination

Specific harness/dildo advice for petite folks?


My new partner and I are looking at buying a harness and dildo situation. We are both pretty petite in proportions so things that we have tried independently have been not correct in where parts sit. For example, the pockets where the vibe goes aren’t aligned, brief style harnesses have been too long in the crotch area in general.

My partner also has a form of arthritis so buckles are difficult and frustrating for her which takes her out of the mood when we’re having sex, but brief and boxer styles are usually not sized right for us. We’re looking for a harness that is petite friendly and we can both use but doesn’t involve a lot of adjusting for in the moment use. We’re very close to the same size but if we were to switch we’d likely have to adjust it slightly. Does anyone have any suggestions?

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