Adult Topic Blogs

Sex Addiction: The Perfect Storm

Becoming Vulnerable - Sex and Relationship Healing

All daily inspiration can be found in the book Sex and Porn Addiction Treatment and Recovery. This article is used with permission from the author.

Just when the caterpillar thought the world was ending, he turned into a butterfly.

Addictions of all kinds are often caused by a combination of genetic and environmental risk factors. For example, a mix of factors such as genetic predisposition, parental addiction, childhood trauma, and early exposure to addictive substances or behaviors appear relatively often, leading to a range of ongoing life problems—not just addiction, but many other emotional and psychological issues. If early sexual trauma (whether overt or covert) is part of the mix, the odds of sexual addiction along with other addictions increase significantly. Unfortunately, knowing what caused our addiction does not help us build and maintain sobriety. Dealing with these issues can certainly help in the long run, but in the early stages of recovery, the “why” of addiction is almost irrelevant.

Today’s Task
Stop worrying about why you’re addicted and focus on how to deal with the fact.

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