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Rose Plovie, the Unsolved Murder Podcast by Salty Vixen –

Rose Plovie, the Unsolved Murder Podcast by Salty Vixen -

Rose Plovie, the Unsolved Murder Podcast by Salty Vixen - Black Minimal Horror Channel Intro Outro Youtube Video

Few crimes are so shocking  or so terrifying that stories of what happened live on for years or event decades after the offenses occurred. Some crimes are solved. Often they are not. But when the cases grow cold, the evidence remains and awakens the amateur detective in all of us. 

This True Crime Podcast is about my 2nd great grandparents Philip (died 1930) & Rose Plovie (died 1929)- Niles, Michigan. Rose was my 2nd great step-grandmother who was murdered and the person who murdered her was never found. Lieutenants Lyle Hutson and William Watkins concluded with the visual evidence (Rose’s body appeared in the house and in the backyard chopped up and yet when she disappeared, her body was in the house as the house was searched).

Media got the story about my 2nd great grandpa wrong. The podcast will cover a Sherlock Holmes, the Science of Deduction method. A character analysis of my family, her family and who the suspects are.  This story hits home to me as my great grandma spent up until her death in 1961 to find out who murdered Rose. 

Lieutenants Lyle Hutson and William Watkins said Philip Plovie died by suicide- when I looked at the photos, there was no evidence he died by suicide as there was no blood splatter. I believe Lieutenants Lyle Hutson and William Watkins staged the death, and accidentally shot my 2nd great grandpa, which led to his death. The podcast will start March 8th, 2024. I am giving my family a voice.

Rose Plovie, the Unsolved Murder Podcast by Salty Vixen - my family

Rose Plovie, the Unsolved Murder Podcast by Salty Vixen - my family

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