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Q: Does sex boost your immune system? | Aldult Toys Blog

Q: Does sex boost your immune system? | Sex Toys Blog

Fact: Not only are the sex and orgasms truly amazing, but the sexual release it also happens to be incredibly good for your healthIt’s not so surprising, is it?

The benefits of sex (good, even great) extend to the farthest reaches of our mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical well-being. From stress reduction to improve sleephas reduce your risk of cancer and heart attackThe ways in which sex has been shown to improve overall health are countless.

It goes without saying that a strong immune system is inextricably linked to almost every perceivable benefit of sex: reduce stress levelsadequate sleep and good general health, to name a few.

Q: Does sex boost your immune system? | Aldult Toys Blog Q Does sex boost your immune system Aldult Toys

More sex means fewer sick days

‘Sexually active people take less sick leave,’ says sexual health expert Yvonne K. FulbrightDoctorate in Philosophy. Researchers from Wilkes University in Pennsylvania found this Students who had sex once or twice a week had higher levels of immunoglobulin A (IgA), the disease-fighting antibodies that live in the lining of our lungs, sinuses and stomach. The group with frequent sex had 30% more IgA than the two groups with less frequent sex.

Good news for the singles and bachelorettes among us: if you are not in a relationship, Masturbation has similar positive effectsSex and orgasms in general improve your body’s ability to generate these protective antibodies. A small study from the Department of Medical Psychology A study conducted at the University Clinic in Essen, Germany, showed that the white blood cell counts of 11 men increased after orgasm. White blood cells make up about 1% of all blood cells and are essential for a healthy immune system. As a bonus, one study even showed that Masturbation can improve migraines.

That said, having sex or masturbating alone isn’t enough to boost your immune system. Sex can help, but it’s no substitute for a healthy diet, exercise, quality sleep, and of course, getting vaccinated against contagious diseases and viruses (like Covid). Combine sex with a balanced lifestyle and you have a winning combo.

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Of course, more research is needed, but still

Although the immune-boosting effects of sex are widely reported, the research on the subject is a little less straightforward. Interestingly, in the Pennsylvania study of college students cited above, the group that had sex more more than twice a week did not get the same benefit as those who did the dirty work 1-2 times a week: apparently, doing it Spending time having fun can actually make your body tired. Researchers have suggested that these more sexual couples may have actually been trying to overcompensate for their relationship anxieties by having more fun, which in turn could trigger stress, thereby suppressing the immune system. That said, there isn’t a lot of research on the subject (shame on you), and more information would probably help clarify things further.

But while some have taken this lack of “hard-hitting” evidence as an indication that sex doesn’t help boost the immune system, pointing out that sex is exercise and any type of physical activity can increase immunoglobulin levels, I say the proof is in the pudding. Anyone in a healthy sexual relationship (one that doesn’t actually add more stress to their life!) knows firsthand the benefits of sexual intimacy and orgasmic release on the functioning of their body’s defenses. Plus, since sex can improve the quality of your sleep, and studies have linked it to Better sleep means lower risk of getting sickhmmm, maybe sex do have a direct effect on your immune system. To me, it all depends on the holistic understanding you are open to. Although some scientists may consider anything other than a simple correlation between sex and immunity as indirectThe reality is that sleep, stress, immunity and sex are all factors that interact with each other, endlessly.

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Bottom line: Sex is a healthy choice

Even if I have sex doesn’t directly prevent you from catching a cold, says Eleanor DraegerAccording to the genitourinary medicine specialist and spokesperson for the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV, “It counts as exercise, improves your cardiovascular health and reduces your blood pressure. Regular sex can also strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, which could help with bladder control.” She adds that “orgasms are associated with a release of endorphins and serotonin and can therefore help relieve pain, including menstrual cramps.” In other words, more It is proven that a strong immune system and good overall health are the result of multiple overlapping factors, of which gender is most certainly one.


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