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Nurturing Your Wife: The Importance of Emotional Depth in


When I was an irrigator in Texas, the official recommendation for watering the most common lawn grass was to water once a week. On paper, this could work, but 95% of the yards in Austin would have had a lot of dead grass on that schedule. The issue was depth of soil. If there was enough topsoil, it could hold a week’s worth of water in all but a couple of the hottest weeks. But there was no requirement that made builders put down topsoil, and so to save money, they didn’t. Some yards got by on water twice a week. Some needed water every other day in July and August.


So what, you’re asking the guy next to you, does this have to do with marriage?

How is your wife’s depth of soil? If it’s what it should be, she can easily go a number of days without the kind of love and attention she requires from you to flourish. But if her growing up years didn’t give her depth of soil, a couple of days without, and she’s going to be hurting. As will your marriage.

Just as a yard may have different depth of soil in different areas, so too your wife has places where she has good depth, and places where she does not. You need to figure out where she is lacking, and be sure to provide in those areas often enough to keep her from drying out.

The good news is taking care of her well will gradually build up her soil level. She will still need regular attention, but a temporary shortage won’t be a crisis.

Image Credit: © Paul H Byerly created with
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