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My toys only charge when connected to my laptop, not…


I’m posting this to see if anyone else has had this happen to them or has any suggestions/comments. I now have three toys that I thought were broken, a we vivi tango x, a we vivi rave 2 and a satiter pro 2. All three toys worked great for a few weeks/months/over a year, but one day suddenly stopped connecting while they were charging. All three toys use magnetic chargers that plug into adapters, I tried using different adapters and plugging the adapters into different plug sockets, but one day they all stopped charging. The adapter I’m using works fine with other chargers like my phone and power banks, it’s just that these toys stopped charging. While I was cleaning out my draw last week I discovered our Ambient Tango, I must have thrown it out there in frustration and forgotten about it a few months ago, and by chance I decided to try charging it up. Since my adapter was in use I decided to plug it into my laptop and what do you know, it lit up and started charging and half an hour later I was ready to use it. I thought the battery definitely just needed a rest, but I plugged it into the adapter and again it didn’t light up and charge. I tried this with two other toys that I thought were dead, and they both charged when connected to my laptop, but not when I plugged them into the adapter. The adapter still works with other charging cables, but again it’s just these toys. I don’t understand why they only charge when connected to my laptop, I would have thought it would be better connected to mains power. Does anyone know why this happens? It’s so annoying having to charge them all from my laptop, and it means I can only charge one at a time.

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One thought on “My toys only charge when connected to my laptop, not…

  1. Verified-Customer says:

    usually products are made to only charge using an adaptor of a specific voltage. you should contact the company there could also be an issue with the charging cord.

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