Knowledge Dissemination

My silicone rose toy has tiny white bugs crawling all over it?


I wish I had taken a video of what was going on but honestly I’m so freaked out right now so I rushed to clean it thoroughly with water and a rag. Ok I admit I’m not the best at cleaning toys I’m ngl. I know it’s terrible. I pulled it out of my underwear drawer because I was just about to use it. But I checked it out first because I hadn’t cleaned it in a while. That’s when I noticed these tiny white dots moving around. There were like 3 of them maybe more. I think they were the size of a grain of salt. Very tiny. Google said it was dust mites but I’m not sure. I’m really grossed out right now. I was about to put it in my vagina if I didn’t look. Now I’m worried I’ve exposed these bugs to my vagina. I’m about to freak out. OMG now I’m even more freaked out because they’re all over my panties too?! OMG I really want to puke right now. Like I never want to put that toy near my pussy again right now 😔

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