Mummification can be an exciting experience for both the Dom and the sub. However, it can also be a dangerous fetish. Here is a detailed guide on materials, safety tips, aftercare and other useful information.
What is Mummy Bondage?
Mummification is considered an extreme form of bondage where a person is wrapped or “cocooned” so they are completely unable to move. You can also choose to wrap one (or a few) body parts or the entire body – it all depends on the comfort and consent of the participants.
Why do people like it?
There are many reasons why people like mummies.
- It may be about Completely giving up control And enjoy the resulting helplessness.
- Giving up sexual controlTherefore, whatever the other person does is “out of your control” – which can feel liberating and allow someone to enjoy sex without the social guilt that comes with having a sexual preference or kink.
- It can be added to Sensory deprivation And let the submarine float in warm, empty space.
- It can include different levels of humiliation – whether through the act itself, exposure of genitals, or through verbal shaming from a high level.
- Tight packing may cause Womb-like environment A place where one feels safe and relaxed.
what do you need?
In addition to a willingness to engage and a detailed understanding of the risks, you’ll need something to wrap your head around. Here’s a list of possible materials and their pros and cons…
plastic wrap – Cheap and easy to use (at least easier than some other materials). No need to worry about it getting cut because it costs nothing. However, it is not breathable and the person wrapped in it may overheat and become dehydrated.
Elastic bandage – Comfortable and reusable, but more expensive. Better breathability than other options, but you still need to be careful about overheating. Because it’s elastic, you can tie it tightly, but that also means it can cut off circulation if tied too tightly. It may also fold and bunch at the joints.
Medical bandage – In addition to bandages, there are other medical bandages and tapes available. Suitable for medical drama scenes. The price will be more expensive. Need to pay attention to elasticity and possible circulation issues.
plaster – Extreme mummification (totally immobile). Uses wet plaster sheets, like a cast for a broken leg or arm. Not a “quick” mummification. Needs to wrap the body in plastic wrap or cloth to prevent hair from being pulled out. High risk of overheating (needs to expose parts of the body to be safer). Harder to remove in an emergency. Great for medical play.
Bondage tape – The safest tape for skin (won’t pull or stick). Sticks only to itself and is washable/reusable. Might be a little hard to work with if this is your first time using this material. Not breathable.
Duct tape – Cheap and strong, but sticks to skin. Needs plastic wrap or pantyhose underneath. Not breathable. Good for “classic” bondage or kidnapping scenes.
Learn more about adhesive tapes here…
The Big BDSM Tape Guide – What Types of Tape Are Good for Bondage?
Cotton fabric – Safest for beginners. Good breathability, less risk of overheating or dehydration. Washable and reusable, but you need to sew the strips together to make the strips long enough. Can be folded and tied, so more overlap is required.
leather – Expensive, but may be irritating to those who like the smell or feel of leather. Similar to cotton, needs to be sewn into long strips. May cause overheating.
Industrial Plastics – Wider plastic sheets make it easier and faster to do the final layer of restraint or to secure someone to a pole or piece of furniture.
Bag – Custom bags are meant to fit and constrain the entire body. Easy and quick to get in and out. Very, very expensive.

Types of mummification
There are many things you can do, but my advice (if you are new) is to start small. Wrap only a few body parts for a short time, and slowly increase the number of wraps as you gain experience and knowledge.
Regional Packaging – Wrap only the legs, arms, torso, upper body (with arms), lower body, etc. Less restrictive to movement but safer for those who want to get used to the feeling. It’s also a good option if you’re using something that doesn’t breathe well and your partner has circulation or heat issues.
Partial packaging – From neck to ankles (holes may be left for breasts and/or genitals). Airway is unobstructed. Mouth is free for communication. Blindfold may be added for increased sensory deprivation or control.
The complete package – Head to toe (mouth/nose with holes or breathing tube). Most restrictive and psychologically impactful, but also most dangerous.
Packaging Tips

A combination of materials that provides minimum coverage and maximum binding.
- you need to 75 to 100 feet of plastic wrap Make the entire body (so imagine how much more it would take using thinner material).
- This is not a quick process, expect it to take at least 30 minutes for them to cocoon.
- Make sure you both Go to the restroom before the meeting starts.
- Take off all jewelry and other sharp objects that could tear packaging, injure the sub, or disrupt blood circulation.
- The degree of overlap depends on the material, but Joint areas usually require more overlap To prevent material from bunching, folding or rolling up.
- Wrap the tape in plastic (or other material) to save on tape costs Reinforce above joints or other areas that need more support.
- If your material is sticky (like tape or plaster), you will need a The barrier between the skin and the envelope – Plastic wrap, pantyhose, BDSM gear (like a spandex hood), or regular clothing.
- Wrap each arm and leg separately They are then tied around the torso (without skin contact).
- Put one Place a pillow or cushion between your legs (especially knees and ankles) to relieve pressure and discomfort.
- Let the submarine Take a deep breath before wrapping your torso (So they have enough room to breathe comfortably during your course).
- Leaving some skin exposed helps prevent overheating – and also allows you to observe their skin tone for circulation issues.
- Wrap the torso diagonallynot horizontal.
- Wrap your body first (Although they Sitting or kneeling), then have them lie down and wrap their lower body (no risk of falling)
- Finally wrap the head This allows the submarines to communicate. The head too First become andpack.
- Once wrapped, Go to next stage (pre-negotiated) – It could be just unwrapping them and letting them enjoy themselves (under supervision) for a predetermined period of time, running your hands over their body, playing with their genitals, using sex toys, etc.
- When cutting, if possible, Put your hand between the material and your skin – Creates another layer of protection.
Side Note – You’ll notice that I haven’t mentioned much about the actual steps or techniques for wrapping. The thing is that different materials work differently, and the way each person supports their body or how long they hold a position is unique.
Aside from the basics mentioned in this article, I find that exploration and experimentation (following safety guidelines) are the best ways to learn “how to best wrap” someone.
For me, I have to watch my partner’s hands carefully. I don’t tie them on my arms, I only tie them at the very end (so I can see them clearly).
How do you stay safe?

Since mummification is a high-risk kink practice, you need to be extra careful…
- Communicate comfort levels, limits, and mummification experiences with your subordinates.
- Never completely mummify someone who has never done anything like this.
- If you are wrapping for the first time, always start with a small area.
- Do not pull the material too hard as this may restrict blood circulation.
- Never leave the sub alone once you start packing.
- Have emergency scissors ready to cut it off.
- If your sub is standing, you are in danger of falling.
- Keep communicating with your partner during the course.
- Pay attention to their mental state – anxiety attacks, etc.
- Watch for overheating or dehydration.
- Have blankets, water, and chocolate ready for aftercare.
- Do not allow the airway to become blocked.
- Be aware of situations that may pose a threat to breathing (breathing problems, etc.).
- Avoid wrapping the neck (use a hood or very loose wrap instead).
- It would be helpful to have a second person to help with the packing.
- Never place ropes or supports under their arms (to help them stand) as this may cause nerve damage.
Watch out for the following situations and if they occur, remove them from the mummy Instantly.
- Bluish lips
- Blue or purple coloration of fingertips, toes, and nail beds
- Coughing, retching
- Dizziness
- Excessive sweating
- Pale skin
- Rapid, rapid, or unusual breathing
- Red or blotchy skin
- Trembling, shivering
- Slurred speech, inability to speak at all
- No response
Important post-operative care
Since their body temperature may be higher, you don’t want it to drop too quickly after they are unswaddled. Have a towel ready to wipe away any sweat, then wrap them in a warm blanket. Hold them close and monitor their physical, mental, and emotional state until everything returns to normal.
Make sure they drink water. Give them chocolate if they need a pick-me-up. A warm shower can also help them adjust to the real world and their comfort zone.
Since this is extreme restraint, never skimp on aftercare.
Well, I hope this helps you in your bondage journey!
Also, if you want more helpful articles, check out these…
If you have any additional tips or tricks, feel free to leave a comment below so we can all benefit.