All your daily inspiration can be found in Sex and Porn Addiction Treatment and Recovery. Used here with permission of the author. Click on the book cover image to purchase the book on Amazon.
Those who live the most intensely tend to be the least interested in life.
Cocaine and methamphetamine, however ingested, rapidly alter brain chemistry, triggering feelings of euphoria and control. A common misconception about these drugs is that they are not addictive because sudden withdrawal does not cause the physical withdrawal symptoms seen with some other drugs, such as opioids and alcohol. However, as more than one user has asked, “If cocaine and meth aren’t addictive, then why can’t I quit?” The relapse rate for people who try to kick their addiction to cocaine and meth is as high as 94 percent. These rates are even higher when cocaine and meth are combined with sex or porn addiction.
today’s task
Think about how your substance use fits into your sexual behavior.