Adult Topic Blogs

Men will definitely get more opportunities if they do this

Men will definitely get more opportunities if they do this

Last night, I was scrolling through Instagram when a video popped up of David Beckham saying the sexiest thing a man can say to a woman – “Good girl.”

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – these words make my blood boil.

But alas, David Beckham ruined it. Yeah, I never thought those words would slip out of my mouth, but he makes me feel sick.

Look, frankly, that’s his voice. That high nasal voice sounds…ugh.

In fact, he says this to his dogs while feeding them so they can learn how to “sit”? Let’s just say I wasn’t impressed.

Jana Hocking said that the sexiest thing in a man is a deep voice. fizkes –

However, I maintain that if Tom Hardy said the same line in his deep, sexy voice, I would watch it on repeat – probably with a vibrating device in my hand. I said what I said.

It reminded me of the last guy I dated and why I was so attracted to him.

Backstory – Not long ago, a friend suggested that a male coworker of hers might be a good fit for me. She showed me pictures of him on Instagram and I thought he was cute, but when I met him in real life he greeted me with a deep sexy voice? I was hooked.

His voice has a baritone quality that is reminiscent of George Clooney or Sean Connery in their heyday. It also helped that he could pronounce all the vowels and had a poetic flair for his beautiful vocabulary. There’s something incredibly sexy about a man who has a deep voice and knows how to use it.

“When I was a radio producer, we could tell which callers were sexy by their voices,” Hawking writes. line graph

When I was a radio producer, we could tell which callers were hot by their sounds. Heck, that’s why sexy audiobooks are on the rise.

So when this guy leaves me a voicemail—definitely on purpose—I get hot and sweaty.

Just like a good pair of boobs can turn a girl from five to ten, I honestly believe a deep voice can do the same for a guy. I mean, look at Russell Crowe. Now he’s no longer a gladiator, but is there a chance? Yes, yes, I will.

Think about it. Who do you like more in the room? Is it a soft-spoken person or someone with a striking voice? A deep voice gives people a sense of security. When he speaks, it feels like he knows what he’s talking about, which is undeniably attractive.

As always, the research backs me up. A recent study found that a deep voice gives men an aura of power and sexual allure. Men with deep, loud voices are more likely to be perceived as attractive, masculine, respected and dominant. Well… dominant. Okay, I’m going to change the topic.

Research also shows that we women tend to be biologically attracted to deeper voices. Why? It all comes down to evolutionary signaling. A deeper voice is often associated with higher levels of testosterone, which is a sign of genetic health.

In other words, a deep voice can subconsciously communicate that a man is a good partner. It’s like nature is saying, “Hey, this guy can help me raise some healthy offspring.”

So, guys, if you want to get laid more often, it’s simple – lower your voice.

Research also shows that women tend to be biologically attracted to deeper voices. Stocks –

Now, many of you may be worried that you don’t have a naturally deep and sexy tone, but ask any actor and they will tell you that this can be practiced and perfected.

I remember when I studied journalism in college, we were taught to speak in a lower octave because newsrooms believed TV audiences valued deeper voices more. Many actresses also lower their voices when playing sexy roles—think Angelina Jolie in “Angelina Jolie.” Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

This makes sense.

So next time you pick up the phone to call your female friend or leave her a message, why not give it a try? Channel your inner Morgan Freeman and drop it an octave.

Seriously, you’d be shocked at the impact it has on us.

You’re welcome.

Jana Hocking is a columnist and boyfriend collector | @jana_hocking

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