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Love and Lust with a Capricorn | Aldult Toys Blog

Love and Lust with a Capricorn | Sex Toys Blog

Whether you look up at night to gaze at the stars or not, these little gems in the dark are a source of vital information for anyone willing to tap into them. It’s no news that when it comes to desire and love, we could all use a little light to guide us. Your lover’s sun sign is a start. While much depends, of course, on earthly factors as well, willing students of the celestial sky are bound to learn a truth or four.

Consider Capricorns, born under the unique, earthy sign of the Sea Goat, between December 22 and January 19. Capricorns are ruled by serious Saturn, the planet responsible for hard work, maturity, and duty. If you’re in a sexual and/or romantic relationship with one, you might benefit from a chance to understand them better. You know, find out what makes them tick.

Here I bring you some of the most eye-catching traits associated with your Capricorn love:

Sensitive…but can take himself a little seriously

Capricorns are sensitive and sensual in bed, make no mistake. Easily embarrassed, many Capricorns tend to be a little self-conscious when it comes to performing sexually. But if there’s one place a Capricorn feels comfortable letting down their armor, it’s between the sheets: They love to laugh while fucking, perhaps to ease their nervousness or shyness. As long as the laughter isn’t directed at them, of course! Despite their conservative and sometimes tense nature, Capricorns are surprisingly in tune with their physical sensuality.

Love and Lust with a Capricorn | Aldult Toys Blog Love and Lust with a Capricorn Aldult Toys Blog

Overall, if you have a Cap lover spending time in your bed, make sure to make your space stress-free for both of your sakes. This means cultivating the feeling that self-expression and mutual pleasure are king and queen. Even if your Cap has a sense of humor, try to be sensitive to his sensibilities and avoid making him the butt of a joke, even if it’s meant to be kind. Otherwise, he may lose interest in sex—or, over time, in the relationship. If you find him sexy, attractive, or like the way he makes you feel, don’t be afraid to let him know.

Excited and dominant…but full of reservations

Capricorns are pretty straightforward horny goats, though their various reservations sometimes make them seem complex. Their sexuality is straightforward and ultra-physical. They’re not usually very keen on adding toys or other accessories to their relationship. That said, as a Capricorn gets to know you, they’ll be more willing to test the boundaries. For example, the sea goat’s take-charge personality makes them a great dominant partner for those who are so inclined to submit. Caps are turned on by planning things (yes, even sex), which to some may seem unromantic or unsentimental. They are secretive and prefer to show their affection (and desires) rather than express them. Yet sexual expression for them is a unique blend of organization and delicious chaos, which means you can usually expect a touch of creativity as well.

Never hesitate to tell your Capricorn all your favorite things and your personal desires in bed. Be natural, if that’s in your arsenal, and give him some time to open up more. Don’t expect wild and crazy sex right away, it will come with time. Keep in mind that Capricorns love to be pampered, so if you can find a way to make it sexy, you’re golden. Oh, and they’re said to have a thing for women in uniform!

Private… and sometimes opaque

Capricorns are probably the least likely sign to confide in anyone, so if you’re serious about your bedroom secrets, you can usually trust a Capricorn. Privacy is something Capricorns take very seriously, especially when it comes to sex (and finances, too). This strong sense of privacy extends to life in general, too: Capricorns are natural loners and can have a hard time trusting others enough to violate their privacy. As such, they sometimes pass up on sex (and love) for fear of rejection—or if they’re not sure the connection will pay off in the way they have in mind. A Capricorn’s heart is truly the hardest to break of all.

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If you’re this quiet in love, you may be able to win your Capricorn’s heart. And you’ll get to know him really well over time. Because Capricorns are so slow, steady, and discreet when it comes to love, they make wonderfully loyal and committed partners, but they tend not to tolerate wild displays of emotion, and they tend to be unimpressed when someone is too quick to share their deepest feelings. If you’re loud, brash, or an attention-seeker, a Capricorn may not be for you. Capricorns care a lot about what other people think, and they won’t get involved with someone who could jeopardize their reputation.

Patient and determined… but too pragmatic

Capricorns are always willing to put in the time and effort to please you. And what they do, they do very well. Capricorns prefer to take their time with sex as they do in other areas. They often have impressive stamina and self-control, both in and out of the boudoir. Unsurprisingly, when it comes to relationships, they are ultra-pragmatic and realistic to a fault, so they will hesitate to invest time, effort, or money without knowing that there is something worthwhile at stake. The honest but critical Sea Goat can be a bit cold and very calculating in their choice of partner. They have been known to give up on sex once they have achieved their goal and rarely commit to a real relationship unless it aligns with their long-term goals. Capricorn is motivated by the material world and will seek out a partner with similar values ​​(they want to be in a power couple). Once Capricorn do knows they want you, they won’t give up until they have you. And guess what: they have a very high success rate!

Nothing is more irritating to a Capricorn than someone who isn’t functioning at full capacity. If you needed an excuse to dress to impress, here it is. Also, make sure your home, car, bank account, and appearance are all in order! If you’re in a serious relationship with a Capricorn, avoid making empty promises. Your word is your bond and an indicator of your trustworthiness and credibility. Resist the urge to rush or be too pushy. Stubborn Capricorns respond to pressure by disappearing. After all, Capricorns are deeply methodical and like to take the lead in setting an appropriate pace. If their pace is way off track, don’t fake it; decide whether or not you’re compatible and have an honest discussion.

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Bottom line: It takes a lot of time to keep up with this vigorous earth sign, but if you’re up for the gentler challenges, sex and love with a Capricorn could Be the manna you’ve been waiting for your entire half-enchanted life. And where there’s genuine connection, you’re sure to discover deeper feelings worth exploring – in the arms of your Cap partner.

When it comes to compatibility, no one does Capricorn better than Taurus and Virgo, with honorable mentions going to Scorpio and Pisces, but no matter your sign, remember: if it’s worth it, lustful love conquers all. <3

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