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Looking for Dildo recommendations/selection advice.


Hi I’m a m in the UK thinking of buying a couple of dildos with a budget of about £60 (but less if possible).

I am thinking about getting a plainer small to medium one and a more interesting (e.g. ribbed) medium to large one.

Both would be silicone, with the medium to large one preferably not being too rigid (though not essential).

I am currently looking at Etsy and stores like lovehoney and bondora, are they the right places to be looking at, or should I look else where?

Any recommendations for store/seller or actual dildos or any general advice would be greatly appreciated!

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2 thoughts on “Looking for Dildo recommendations/selection advice.

  1. Verified-Customer says:

    I have a catalog 🥰 There’s lots of makers in the UK

  2. Verified-Customer says:

    Look at r/usedsextoys. There are often toys for sale in the EU that you could get. 60 is a bit on the low side for high quality toys like Mr. Hankey’s but you might get lucky.

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