My partner and I are used to hooking up, she likes to do it every few months but she doesn’t get much pleasure from it, and I’m looking for a strapless one that will also give her pleasure. However, I am a bit plus sized and I was wondering if there are strapless ones with a larger diameter +2 inches on one side (6 inches around the “girth”)? . I also want to buy a safety harness so it doesn’t suddenly fly off on a hot day. Any help is appreciated.
Looking for a “skin tight” strapless one that we can use…

Good day to you,
If you’re willing to wait a few, there is the Sen from Zveotec.
They’re actually in a testing phase to find the best bulb shape in order for the dildo to not slip out of the vagina.
And as the inner vibrator should react on how she thrusts you… It should be a good fit for your need.