What are annotations?
When you like someone, you can write them a note that they can read in their Notes inbox on the Likes tab.
Best Uses for Notes
– Tell people what you like about them
– Give recipients something more to think about besides your profile
– Avoid being the type of person who doesn’t attract attention
– Increase your chances of matching with someone
– Start meaningful conversations
What has changed?
“Comments” are now called “Annotations” and the upgraded version of “Annotations” are now called “Golden Annotations”.
How often can I send?
notes – You can send notes to as many profiles as you want for free, but you are limited to a daily limit on the number of likes.
Golden Note:
Free Member get 1 Gold Coin weekly
Premium Subscribers get 7 Gold weekly
You can see how many notes you have in the Account tab of the app, and if you run out you can buy more.
How to send?
Click the heart on someone’s profile to write them a free note!
How do recipients get them?
notes – Displayed to recipients on the Comments screen in the Likes tab.
Golden Note:
– Appears at the top of the Notes tab
– The recipient will receive a push notification of your message
– Whether or not the recipient has a Premium membership, they can match and reply to you instantly
Are they useful?
Paying attention is the most effective way to increase your variation to fit in and have a good conversation with people.
The matching probability of a gold note is 3 times that of an ordinary note. Come and try it!