Adult Topic Blogs

Justification – Sex and Relationship Healing

Justification - Sex and Relationship Healing

All daily inspirations can be found in the book Sex and Porn Addiction Healing and Recovery. Used here with permission of the author.

Addicts are experts at creating ‘justifiable reasons’ for their actions.

Rudyard Kipling once (jokingly) wrote, “I never made a mistake in my life; at least, never one that I couldn’t explain away afterward.” Active sex and porn addicts seem to feel the same way, except we’re not tongue-in-cheek as Kipling was. In fact, sometimes we’re busy creating justifications for our bad behavior even as we’re engaging in that behavior. Before, during, and after we act out, we tell ourselves lies like, “This is what all single people do,” or, “I’m not damaging my relationship because my spouse will never find out,” or, “If I was in a relationship I’d be having sex every day, so I might as well have lots of sex while I’m not in a relationship,” or whatever. The list of justifications is endless.

Task for Today
Identify a justification you’ve used to enable your addiction. Share it with another person. Ask for feedback.

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