Adult Topic Blogs

Just have fun

Becoming Vulnerable - Sex and Relationship Healing

All daily inspiration can be found in the book Sex and Porn Addiction Treatment and Recovery. This article is used with permission from the author.

All work and no play makes a dull boy a wise man.

It’s easy for recovering sex and porn addicts to become so focused on 12-step meetings and therapy that they forget that the point of life is to have fun. Many of us eventually learn that forgetting about things other than recovery eventually becomes a problem. Recovery starts to feel like a chore rather than a privilege. To avoid this trap, we must spend time with our families, enjoy hobbies, play games, exercise, enjoy sports, travel, and engage in a variety of other pleasurable activities. Doing so is an important part of the long-term recovery process. Of course, there are times when we feel like we don’t deserve to have fun. When those feelings arise, it’s important to remember that having fun is part of the daily medication of sobriety. So whether we feel like we deserve to have fun or not, we must accept that it is necessary—if for no other reason than that it reenergizes us to do the less pleasurable work of recovery.

Today’s Task
Do something fun. Just because you want to do it. Notice how this reenergizes you.

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