Knowledge Dissemination

Is this “medical grade silicone” dildo okay or too good to…


I realise posts like this are submitted a lot but me and my partner bought a dildo recently that seemed perfect but before using it I decided to research PVC dildos on here and realised it wasn’t a good idea at all so we put it away and began looking again. I know people say not to cheap out when it comes to this stuff and I’m aware of that but unfortunately price is an object in this scenario, so it’s not that I’m neglecting it unconsciously as a factor in lower quality toys.

I say this because [we found this]( and it is actually listed as medical grade silicone at a great price, but if something seems too good to be true then it probably is. I wanted to post it here and hopefully get a second opinion about its legitimacy, if possible. I’d appreciate any input!

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