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Is it profitable to open a self-service adult products store?

Is it profitable to open a self-service adult products store?

With the development of society and the evolution of people’s conceptions, the adult products industry is also constantly developing and evolving. At present, the adult products industry has formed a certain market scale and industrial chain, and the product types and brands have gradually increased. Many people have taken advantage of the business opportunities brought by this market and chosen to open stores.So the question is: is it profitable to open a self-service adult products store? Is it expensive to open a store? In response to the above problems, let’s give a detailed introduction below.

1. Is it profitable to open a self-service adult products store?
The first thing that is certain is that you can definitely make money by opening an unmanned store selling adult products. Specifically, how much you can earn each month will be analyzed from the perspective of industry profits and market demand. I believe that after reading this, everyone will naturally understand.
1. Profits of the adult products industry: The adult products industry is known as one of the six major profit-making industries in my country, and the profits of the industry can reach an astonishing 200% to 500% or even higher. This is one of the reasons why so many people have always wanted to open a store. They all aim at the high profits of the industry and want to get a share of this huge market of the adult products industry.
With the development of society and the evolution of people’s conceptions, the adult products industry is also constantly developing and evolving. At present, the adult products industry has formed a certain market scale and industrial chain, and the product types and brands have gradually increased. Many people have taken advantage of the business opportunities brought by this market and chosen to open stores.So the question is: is it profitable to open a self-service adult products store? Is it expensive to open a store? In response to the above problems, let’s give a detailed introduction below.
1. Is it profitable to open a self-service adult products store?
The first thing that is certain is that you can definitely make money by opening an unmanned store selling adult products. Specifically, how much you can earn each month will be analyzed from the perspective of industry profits and market demand. I believe that after reading this, everyone will naturally understand.
1. Profits of the adult products industry: The adult products industry is known as one of the six major profit-making industries in my country, and the profits of the industry can reach an astonishing 200% to 500% or even higher. This is one of the reasons why so many people have always wanted to open a store. They all aim at the high profits of the industry and want to get a share of this huge market of the adult products industry.
Some unknown brands of condoms are sold at 3-5 yuan and 20-30 yuan. Basically, the profit margins of most products are quite large. The fun category mainly refers to some inverted molds, inflatable dolls and fun underwear. The purchase price of these products is 20-30YuanBetween 100 and 300 public priceYuanBetween the two, the profit margin is okay. Health care mainly refers to some sprays and oils, the purchase price is 100YuanAbout 300Yuanabout. The purchase price of other brands is 20YuanPublic price around 100€YuanThe benefits can be imagined.
2. Market demand: If there is demand, it is self-evident. Nowadays, people are more open-minded and have a growing demand for adult products. It is precisely the increase in popular demand that has made the adult products industry market so well developed today. The market share of the industry has exceeded 200 billion yuan, so the demand for adult products is very large. It can be said that wherever there are people, there is demand.
So, in general, if you want to open an adult products store without staff, you can make money. Judging from the current market conditions, excluding rent, electricity and supply costs, the monthly net profit is about 6,000 to 12,000 euros. If you manage your business well and combine it with Meituan Online, you can easily earn more than 10,000 yuan per month.
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