Adult Topic Blogs

Is God your co-pilot or your captain?

Co-pilot of the plane

Speaking of control, have you ever seen a bumper sticker that says “God is my co-pilot”? defines co-pilot as:

A qualified pilot who assists or relieves a pilot but does not take command

I think this is how many of us think of God; He is there to help us, but He. Is. Not. A. Commander. Person. He is not in control; we are in control. We like Him, we think He has some good ideas, we say we trust Him, but our actions say “trust but verify.”

The thing about God is that He will put us in control if we want it to. He will put us in control even if He knows it will be terrible for us. He will put us in control even if He knows it will hurt us, our spouse, and our marriage. This is a control battle you can “win,” and one you really need to “lose.”

Image credit: © Paul H Byerly Created using
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