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I Tested 31 Bullet & Mini Vibrators So Far [These Are…


Last year I bought 31 of the [best bullet and mini vibrators]( (plus others I thought might perform well for the price).

I spent the next several months using each bullet and mini vibrator extensively, running them through a detailed testing and rating process (see all my [bullet vibrator tests here]( measuring everything I could (including their noise levels, vibration frequency, and battery life), recording videos ([like this]( so you can see and hear each bullet vibrator, **weeding out every bullet that’s not worth buying** (like the [Le Wand Baton]( [Doxy Bullet]( [Dame Zee]( and others), and putting together resources to help you find the [best bullet or mini vibrator]( **for you!**

Here are my main findings if you don’t want to look through the reviews and guides on my site. I also wanted to share some helpful **tools** and **resources** I created to help you find a bullet vibrator that fits your needs and preferences.

Note: I test bullets and other small vibrators together since they’re very comparable. Generally, traditional bullet vibrators (for example, the [We-Vibe Tango X]( provide more *focused* stimulation, while other mini vibrators (like the [We-Vibe Touch X]( are a bit *broader*.

***Please let me know what other bullet vibrators you’d like me to test and rate in the future too!***

# First, the main helpful tools:

I created **two tools** to help you easily compare bullet and mini vibrators:

The **first tool** is an [**interactive Bullet and Mini Vibrator Comparison Table**]( here. You can use this to **quickly** see how any bullet vibrator I’ve reviewed compares to others in aspects like power, rumbliness, noise, comfort, battery life, waterproof rating, and more.

You can also **filter** the table to only include bullet and mini vibrators that **perform well in areas you care about** and are **within your budget**:

For example, you could use the filters to include only bullet vibrators with a Max Power rating above 7.5, and that lasted over an hour in our battery life testing. Or just show mini vibrators that cost less than $50 but still have an Overall Score above 8.0. You could also just include IPX7 Waterproof bullet vibrators. Or filter by your preferred vibration *feeling* (from extremely rumbly to extremely buzzy). Use whatever combination of filters makes sense for you!

You’ll also find it helpful to sort the table by the aspect you care most about.

The **second tool** is a [**Vibration Power vs Rumbliness Graph comparison tool**]( You can select two bullet vibrators and see how their vibration settings compare to each other.

For instance, in [this graph]( you can see that while the We-Vibe Tango X and Lovense Ambi reach similar top strengths, the Tango X is much more rumbly than the Ambi. (Whether you prefer rumbly or buzzy vibes is a personal preference).

Or by looking at [this graph]( you can see that the Pillow Talk Racy’s and Dame Pom’s settings span a similar rumbliness range, but the Pillow Talk Racy packs more vibration strength while being just as rumbly.

If you want to learn more about how I test and rate my bullet and mini vibrators, I detail my processes and results below.


* [Vibration Power]( (Subjectively rated)
* [Vibration Frequency / Rumbliness]( (Measured)
* [Noise]( (Measured)
* [Use During Sex]( (Subjectively Rated)
* [Battery Life]( (Measured)

# My best bullet vibrator and mini vibrator recommendations:

Below are the main bullet and mini vibrators I think are worthwhile (of the 31 I’ve tested so far). I only include the ones that outperform others in their price range, or that excel in a specific way.

**Top Overall Performance:**

* **Best Broad Mini Vibrator** – We-Vibe Touch X ([Review here]( ([Price here](
* **Best Traditional Bullet Vibrator** – We-Vibe Tango X ([Review here]( ([Price here](

**Best By Price Range:**

* **Best Under $50** – Pillow Talk Racy ([Review here]( ([Price here](
* **Best Under $35** – Blush Limited Addiction ([Review here]( ([Price here]( or [bundled with my favorite budget wand here](

**Best for Particular Use:**

* **Most Powerful Bullet Vibrator** – BMS Swan Maximum ([Review here]( ([Price here](
* **Most Rumbly Bullet Vibrator** – We-Vibe Tango X ([Review here]( ([Price here](
* **Best Buzzy Bullet Vibrator** – FemmeFunn Ultra Bullet ([Review here]( ([Price here](
* **A Unique Mini Vibrator I Love** – Fun Factory Laya III ([Review here]( ([Price here](
* **Best App-Controlled Bullet** – Lovense Ambi ([Review here]( ([Price here](

**Best Broad Mini Vibrator Overall – We-Vibe Touch X** ([Review here]( ([Price here](

The We-Vibe Touch X has great performance across the board. It has a broad power range with settings that begin softly, climb gradually, and finish intensely (though there are some more extreme options). The Touch X’s vibrations are moderately rumbly, which I personally prefer over the extreme rumbliness of some other options (like the Tango X below). They’re rumbly enough that they still travel deep, but not so rumbly that they lose a bit of zip near the surface (which I like).

The Touch X generally provides broad stimulation, but you can get more focused stimulation by pressing the tip to your body. The silicone is plush, comfortable, and luxurious. Despite having great power, it’s also one of the quietest mini vibrators I tested. The Touch X is an excellent option for most people.

**Best Traditional Bullet Vibrator Overall / Most Rumbly – We-Vibe Tango X** ([Review here]( ([Price here](

The We-Vibe Tango X has the best overall performance of my traditional bullet vibrators – these provide precise, focused stimulation.

It covers the same power range as the We-Vibe Touch X, from gentle to intense. But every single setting of the Tango X is **extremely rumbly** – no other bullet or mini vibrator I’ve tried remains extremely rumbly at this intensity. The Tango X’s very deep vibrations are the main reason people love it. But some others, like me, will enjoy the Touch X’s *moderate* rumbliness more, or if you prefer buzzy vibrations the FemmeFunn Ultra Bullet would be a better choice.

The Tango X is excellent in every area, except that its noise is just decent. Its vibrations are typically very quiet, but it can make a rattling sound when you hold it loosely, or it’s not pressed to your body. Otherwise it’s great, and it’s especially the best option if you prioritize **rumbliness**.

**Best Under $50 / Best as a First Vibrator – Pillow Talk Racy** ([Review here]( ([Price here](

The Pillow Talk Racy is an affordable bullet vibrator you can use externally for **clit** stimulation or internally for **G-spot** stimulation. It’s longer than most bullet vibrators which makes it especially easy to maneuver. And its angled head fits more conveniently between bodies, so it’s great during sex. I also think it’s a great option for your first vibrator since it’s so versatile and performs well at a reasonable price.

Like the We-Vibe Touch X, the Pillow Talk Racy is *moderately* rumbly. But it’s the most rumbly bullet vibrator I’ve tested in this price range. And it has a great power range with very comfortable, gradual steps between levels since it uses a continuous control system. You hold down the button to gradually increase power in tiny steps.

The main area it underperforms is its shorter battery life – it lasted 40 minutes on high power in our test. But if you charge between uses, it’s not an issue.

**Best Under $35 – Blush Limited Addiction** ([Review here]( ([Price here]()

The Blush Limited Addiction is the best cheap bullet vibrator I’ve tested. It actually has more vibration power than the other bullet and mini vibrators I’ve mentioned so far! However, it doesn’t begin as gently, so if you need mild levels it may not be the right fit for you. But personally, I find its lowest setting comfortable without a warmup.

It has great controls allowing you to easily increase and decrease power, which most bullet vibrators in this price range lack. Its most powerful settings are buzzy. If you enjoy buzzy vibrations, that will be great, and it contributes to the vibrations feeling intense. But if you prefer rumbly vibrations, the Pillow Talk Racy (or Tango X if you have the budget) is a better bullets for you.

**Most Powerful Bullet Vibrator – BMS Swan Maximum** ([Review here]( ([Price here](

The BMS Swan Maximum is affordable, it’s easily the strongest bullet vibrator I’ve tested, and it has a really wide power range with gentle settings too.

You make some tradeoffs for the exceptional power range at an affordable price. First, its vibrations become buzzy very quickly, and the top settings are **extremely** buzzy. Depending on your preferences, that can be a pro or con. I often enjoy buzzy vibrations, but these ones feel a little overwhelming to me with this much strength and buzziness combined. But if you like **intensity**, you’ll love it.

Second, it’s relatively short, and you feel the vibrations in your fingers (even with the included comfy cuff to dampen them), so I find other bullet vibrators more comfortable. It’s best if your top priority is intensity. If you don’t mind trading off just a **tiny** amount of power, I think the Femme Funn Ultra Bullet or Blush Limited Addiction are better options overall that still have exceptional strength.

**Best Buzzy Bullet Vibrator – FemmeFunn Ultra Bullet** ([Review here]( ([Price here](

The FemmeFunn Ultra Bullet is my main bullet vibrator recommendation for people who prefer buzzy vibrations. It performs well in every area except rumbliness, but as I’ve mentioned, whether you like rumbly or buzzy vibes is a personal preference. So it’s excellent if you enjoy buzzy vibes!

It has a good length, a flexible core, and a nice rounded tip that all contribute to it being comfortable and easy to use – I especially like it during sex. Its improved comfort is the main reason I like it more than the similarly buzzy Swan Maximum. Its buzziness and power also aren’t quite as **extreme**, so I find the Ultra Bullet’s vibrations feel really lovely, while the Swan Maximum’s feel overwhelming to me.

**A Unique Mini Vibrator I Love – Fun Factory Laya III** ([Review here]( ([Price here](

This is one of my favorite mini vibrators! It has excellent performance overall, but two aspects especially make it one of my favorites:

The Laya III is a “lay-on” vibrator. I get excellent **hands-free clit stimulation** by lying on top of it [like this]( during sex (or solo too). In this way, it’s actually a great alternative to wearable C-shaped couples vibrators like the [We-Vibe Chorus]( You can only use it hands-free in positions where you’re lying on your stomach on top of the vibe, but my partner and I have been using it like this a **ton** during sex! It’s quickly become one of my favorites to use with my partner. You can also just hold it and use it as an ordinary handheld mini vibrator.

Second, the Fun Factory Laya’s motor operates in a unique way that adds a “tapping” effect, which combines the benefits of rumbly and neutral vibrations. I discuss how this works [in-depth here]( In short, the vibrations travel deep like rumbly vibes, but also pack a nice impact at the surface that neutral or buzzy vibrations often do. The vibrations feel richer, and I love this innovation!

Noise is the only area it underperforms, but my partner and I live alone so that doesn’t matter to me. If you want to try something unique, this is an awesome mini vibrator!

**Best App-Controlled Bullet Vibrator – Lovense Ambi** ([Review here]( ([Price here](

This is an app-controlled bullet vibrator with an angled head that makes it easier to leverage and fit between bodies. It has a great power range, and the vibrations are toward the middle of the frequency spectrum, which I like personally—they’re not too rumbly or too buzzy. So it’s also great for those who like a more neutral feeling.

The app is excellent—Lovense has the best app and connectivity of all my [app-controlled vibrators]( Lovense does have a more traditionally shaped bullet vibrator, the [Lovense Exomoon]( but the Ambi is stronger and better overall. The Ambi is one of Lovense’s cheapest vibrators too, so it’s a great way to start exploring app-controlled toys.

**If you want more info, I have full guides and reviews below:**

* [Best Bullet and Mini Vibrators]( guide here
* All my [mini and bullet vibrator reviews]( here (sorted by their Overall Score)
* [Comparison Table Tool]( here
* [Graph Tool]( here

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