Adult Topic Blogs

Hurting your wife will always hurt your marriage

Couples have problems

Hurting your wife will always hurt your marriage.

I realize this is obvious, but the reality is that most men still hurt their wives from time to time despite knowing this fact.

So why do we do this? Why do we continue to do things that we know will hurt her?

It can be a lack of self-control. In anger, fear, or pain, we do or say things to make ourselves feel better, even though we know it will hurt her and damage our marriage.

In reality, it has very little to do with self-control. If we don’t treat others that way, then we have the ability to control ourselves. We treat our wives and perhaps our children that way because We choose to do thisWe like how it makes us feel. Or we use it to avoid discussions we don’t want to have. We do it to manipulate or control.

Of course, none of this is wise, kind, or acceptable to God. We know this, even as we justify it to ourselves.

When was the last time you hurt your wife by choosing not to control yourself? What was the result? Was it a good thing to do?

Do better!

Image source: © Aramyan |
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