Adult Topic Blogs

How to tell if your wife wants to be raped

A man presses his wife against a wall and kisses her passionately.

A few years ago, we did a survey about sexual assault. 72% of women said they would like to be assaulted. About half had experienced it before and would like to do it again, and 81% said the sex was either very good or the best sex ever.

Of course, you have no way of knowing if your wife feels this way, or if she would tell you if you asked her. Other than that, it is something a woman wants to do without having to ask for it or say she wants it.

A man presses his wife against a wall and kisses her passionately.

So here’s a great way to push her to do this without causing problems. When you think she’ll be receptive, kiss your wife with great prejudice. Push her up against the wall while you kiss her. Pay attention to her reaction; does she like it or resist? Is she okay with it but shy?

If she seems to be enjoying it, continue and let your hands wander over her breasts. If she is enjoying it, move one leg over her crotch and continue until she orgasms or begs you to take her to bed and give her an orgasm.

If she seems to like it but doesn’t want to do it “the whole way,” do more. If it works, take it a step further next time.

Image credit: © Paul H Byerly Created using
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