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Healing Your Marriage: Resolving Conflict Before the New Marriage

Healing Your Marriage: Resolving Conflict Before the New Marriage

Before bidding farewell to the old year and welcoming the new one, are there any unpleasant things that need to be dealt with in 2024? This is true on all fronts, but my focus is on your marriage.

I’m not talking about who is right or wrong, because that’s not really the issue. Romans 12:18 tells us:

If you can, it’s up to you and get along with everyone.. ~ESV

I think this means God wants us to make an effort, Even if we are not the ones who did the wrong thing. If you have unpleasant feelings, you need to try to resolve them. If there is unforgiveness, you need to offer forgiveness or ask for forgiveness. If something has become a landmine that you’re both avoiding, it’s time to deal with it.

If this year’s marital baggage is dragging into the New Year, it’s because you tried to fix it and your wife refused. Only then can you be free from responsibility and stand before God.

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Healing Your Marriage: Resolving Conflict Before the New Marriage PL butterfly widgetYear-end 2024
As of December 2012, 48% of 15,000 had raised

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Thanks, Paul and Lori

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[This post first appeared Dec 30, 2012.]

Image source: © Maryna Stryzhak |
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