Adult Topic Blogs

HALT: Alcohol cessation tool

HALT: Alcohol cessation tool

All daily inspiration can be found in the book Sex and Porn Addiction Treatment and Recovery. This article is used with permission from the author.

If you don’t have self-awareness, then no matter how smart you are, you won’t get very far.

HALT is an acronym for “Hungry,” “Angry” (or “Anxious”), “Lonely,” and “Tired.” Any of these conditions can make a recovering sex or porn addict vulnerable to relapse. Unfortunately, as recovering sex and porn addicts, we often conflate these “necessities” with all the other uncomfortable feelings we don’t want to feel (which we previously avoided through escapist sexual fantasies and behaviors). Now we have to understand that when we feel triggered, a nap, a piece of candy, or a five-minute phone conversation can often bring us back to reality.

Today’s Task
Notice when you last ate, rested, interacted with friends or loved ones, and if you feel angry or resentful about something.

The article “HALT: A Tool for Sobriety” first appeared in Sexual and Relationship Healing.

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