Knowledge Dissemination

Guy looking for vibrator for partner


Hi everyone! I’m a guy and I’m looking for your help, please!

I recently started dating again. I want to have a vibrator at my place so I’m prepared.

What vibrator do you think would be good for partner sex?

It needs to be small enough to fit between us, powerful enough to be fun for her, and bonus points if it’s a tad cutesy looking. Also, I hate anything that looks realistic. That’s a turn-off for me.

The Le Wand Petite seems good, but do you think it’s too big?

The Magic Wand Mini sounds good, but it looks like a piece of hospital equipment. Is that a turn-off?

The Unihorn Karma is so cute, I think girls would love it. Is it powerful enough? Too hard to hold?

The Lovehoney Deluxe Mini is the right size, but is it a bit cheap looking? Does it work?

Please let me know, girls!

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