Adult Topic Blogs

Get rid of the ruts

Get rid of the ruts

All daily inspiration can be found in the book “Rehabilitation and Rehabilitation of Sex and Porn Addiction”. Used with permission from the author. Click on the book cover image to purchase the book on Amazon.

As life becomes more and more difficult, challenge yourself to be stronger.

Whether it’s addiction or other aspects of life, we’re stuck in ruts, which shows that we avoid their challenges rather than facing and overcoming life’s challenges. When we see a barrier, we will stay away from it and look for a simpler, softer way. Where did that bring us? Go deeper into the ruts, that’s it. If we want to get rid of the ruts, we have to challenge ourselves. We have to take ourselves out of our comfort zone and do something completely different. For some of us, this means attending a 12-step meeting for the first time. For others, it will return to school, or train for endurance or anything else. As Dr. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi said, “The best moments in our lives are not passive, accepting, relaxed times. The best moments usually happen if one’s body and mind extend to limits in voluntary efforts to achieve difficult and worthwhile things.” That’s all about recovery.

Today’s mission
Identify the challenges you’ve been avoiding and take at least one step.

Posts that stand out from the ruts first appeared in sex and relationships.

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