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Frequent urination due to using a clitoral suction cup toy


Hi, I’m a 22 year old (female) and I’ve been having urges to pee for the past few months. It all started in late May of this year when I bought a clit sucker sex toy. I had a UTI 2 weeks ago because I didn’t urinate right after sex with my boyfriend, but I was symptom-free at that time because I was on antibiotics. Now, a few hours after using this new clit sucker, I’ve started having frequent urges to pee as soon as I go to the bathroom. My theory is that this clit sucker is not safe for the body. At the time, I was dealing with exams and homework deadlines and was on a very tight schedule and didn’t have time to see a doctor for a few hours. So I decided to pray that the symptoms would go away on their own after 2 weeks. 2 weeks went by and I was still feeling relatively the same, but my exams were over in a week so I didn’t go to the doctor. After 3 weeks, the urges to pee were a little more manageable, but still not completely gone. Sometimes I would completely forget about it, which was a good sign for me, and I didn’t see the need to see a doctor. I started using the clit sucker again and the symptoms remained relatively the same. I know it’s a bad idea to use it, but I have a masturbation addiction and the toy itself is very addictive. All of a sudden my symptoms got worse so I stopped using it and threw the toy away. A few weeks went by and my symptoms suddenly disappeared. This lasted a week because for some reason this toy started calling my name again and I fell into the same trap and bought the same toy again, telling myself that maybe the one I bought before was just defective. I used this toy regularly for about 3 days and then stopped using it after feeling ashamed that I might have caused myself more harm. I gave it to my boyfriend to throw away and now I am determined to stop using it forever and stop masturbating completely until I am completely well and stop buying those clit suckers. I had 2 cocktails yesterday and today I feel more urgent than usual and my period may be coming tonight as I feel bloated, a little sore and I am close to my period. I know the symptoms will probably go back to normal once the alcohol leaves my system but I am still worried. I am scared that I will have to live with this pain forever because I made some stupid choices. Here is the link to the toy:[My questions to anyone reading my post are: 1. Does this sound like bladder irritation or is my urethra irritated? 2. What are the chances that I have caused permanent damage? 3. When should I see a doctor? 4. Is there anything I can do now to avoid going to the doctor? 5. If I let my body heal on its own, how long will it take for all symptoms to go away on their own?

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