* Girth: I don’t know, what a beginner should aim for? * Size range: I don’t know, what a beginner should aim for. * Shape: I don’t know, nothing that would be painful for a beginner I guess* Firmness: I have had this problem, I tried some but they were too jelly to hit my prostate so while glass hurts I do want some firmness. * Texture level: Not too concerned, maybe a little. * Realism: Doesn’t matter* Color: Doesn’t matter* Price range: $60 or less* Country/region where you shop: United States* Tell us what you’ve tried before and if/why it did or didn’t work for you: Well, while I’m technically a beginner I’m not really. It’s just that I feel like I’m terrible at picking dildos and never stick with one for too long because it always seems to be uncomfortable to some degree. But it could also be that I’m using it the wrong way. Long story short, I’ll buy a dildo, slather it with lube, put it in and it’ll start burning and I don’t know if it’s the lube or the material of the dildo. I’ve noticed that if I put a condom over a silicone dildo it usually doesn’t burn. I have no idea what that means. I can put it in afterwards but I find I can’t stimulate my prostate at all (probably because they’re silicone and too curved). I’ve found that I’m most satisfied with either using a metal blender and some olive oil (bad idea and unhealthy I know) or a glass blender and oil based lube. The downside to this is that it’s glass ridged and hurts my back door too much. Sorry maybe this is all too much information but I’m so frustrated and I don’t know what to do.
Finding a Male Anal Dildo for Beginners
