Knowledge Dissemination

Failed to clone a Willy


OK. A follow-up on my cloned penis. I tried it and it kind of failed. If you’ve ever tried to use one, it’s a little difficult. I should have asked my wife to help me (it was a surprise for her) Seems like it’s not bad. Overall. But pay attention to the instructions and do all the necessary steps. It’s difficult trying to keep an erection the whole time. It’s hard to measure the tube basically. Easy. Heat the water to 90° Oh, damn. I put away the scissors that cut the tube. I need it to open the casting bag. Ok, back to temp. Heat the water well. Ok, now mix for 45 seconds. Damn, I didn’t set the timer. Oh, okay, let’s improvise. Ok, pour it in the tube. Oh. I need to keep it hard the whole time. The clock is ticking and this cast won’t wait. I thought maybe once it’s in I’ll be more excited. Nope. It’s only half-massive. Watching for some inspiration. Um, I can’t touch it because it’s in there. …What do I do now? Pull it out slowly. Oh, it feels good. A little excited. Maybe I could push the plaster a little further. No. Whatever. I pretty much made a cast of my limp penis. Hopefully she’ll like the 4 ½ inch mold. (It looks so pathetic, haha)

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